Dear people,
Take it easy, go with the flow, relax, don’t react, keep the old rolling , put off the new, see to the day-to-day, get ready for the ex to knock o the door and above all watch what you say! Why? Well most of March is a taken up with the major backwards sway of Gemini and Virgo’s ruler, Mercury. When he retrogrades, the past can re-emerge, we can be tempted to say, do, act, think about, maybe sign something and later, it turns out to be a big mistake. I speak from experience! Hold off all major decisions. It’s a time to check travel plans and leave plenty of time incase of delays. With care and attention to details, it cam be smooth and flowing.
For my basic Astro Update Video here –
Amongst that, we have the renewing energy of the New Moon in Pisces on the 6th. Then it’s a period of expansion, worth putting your energy to attracting ambitions, affirmations and positive focus leading to the Full Moon in Libra on the 21st.
With the re-emerging past, and the mind playing havoc, you may need some help so please get in touch via [email protected].
I will be live on screen from 5:30pm on Monday 4th, Wednesday 6th and Tuesday 12th. Join me and enjoy the live show.
Bless you all and have a great month everyone.
Sky x
Dear Airies March is a month of going over details and taking stock of life due to Mercury the planet of communication, travel, the mind & logic, starting a retrograde from the 5th till the 28th. Personally for you, the backward-sway of Mercury is in your 12th house of the subconscious mind, the hidden, secrets and/or the past, throwing you into one or more of these areas to uncover or discover something overlooked before. Uranus the unconventional has had many years of travelling through your sign, opening up the unusual, showering you with aspects of individualism, even non-conformist attitudes. On the 6th Uranus moves into your personal areas of money, wealth & self worth, remaining there till 2026. This will push your attentions to draw in abundance via different ways and means than before.
Dear Taurus March has the planet of communication, travel, the mind & logical thought, retrograding from the 5th till the 28th. For you, this will affect areas of work, social group associations, friendships or social acceptance. It’s advised to not start any major new projects or plans, to not embark on any new beginnings until Mercury is direct. Instead see to the details of life and take stock to keep life ticking over. The red planet Mars, is in your sign till the 31st encouraging you to take action, become fired-up, aggressive or be stirred by passion for something. With Mars energy, focus to a goal or a hobby is essential, otherwise the replacement is, anger or frustration. On the 6th Uranus moves into your sign, remaining till 2026, pushing your attentions to evolve, change & transform in unusual ways. Overall a month best used to manage and maintain aspects of day to day life.
Dear Gemini your ruling planet Mercury impacts every one this month but ofcourse especially you, as it starts a retrograde from the 5th to the 28th. Your ruler is travelling through your personal areas of career, ambitions and personal goals and its backward pull may put these areas at a standstill or bring to light something that was overlooked before. The warning is to not initiate anything new in life at this time, but instead see to the day to day running of life, especially with in these mentioned areas until Mercury goes direct. At the same time the almighty Sun is travelling through these very same areas putting a spotlight upon career and ambitions till the 20th. Overall it’s a month best used to manage, make notes and maintain aspects of day to day life.
Dear Cancerians here’s a month to maintain, take stock and see to the day-to-day runnings of life. This is due to the planet of travel, communication and the logical mind, starting its retrograde from the 5th to the 28th. This affects your personal areas of study, journeys (both mental & physical), changes of environment and/or dealing with the unknown. These areas may remain stagnant or become frustrating to deal with so it’s best to surrender, or simply go with the flow. It’s advised to not initiate any major new changes and not sign on the dotted line for anything major, all until Mercury goes direct. Uranus, the bringer of unusual & unconventional attitudes, moves forward on the 6th to create ‘out-of-the-ordinary’ transformations in areas of your personal friendships, group associations and/or your social sphere. He remains here till 2026, encouraging you’re want for something completely different than before.
Dear Leo March is a month that has a major retrograde occurring for most of the month whereby the planet of communication, travel, the logical mind & thoughts is in backwards sway from the 5th to the 28th. For you personally, this is occurring in your personal areas of emotional balance, sexuality, surgical operations and investments, causing stagnancy or issues with in these areas or could bring revelations of the hidden not shown before. On a different note the Goddess of Love and Abundance, Venus, is right at home travelling through your romance, fun and flirtation zone enhancing your appeal in these areas. However overall, it’s advised to keep busy with the day-to-day running of life, but avoid initiating new projects, plans, investments and definitely not sign any major contracts until Mercury is direct.
Dear Virgo March is month that has your ruler Mercury starting a retrograde from the 5th to the 28th. Mercury governs communication, travels, logical mind and thoughts, being in reverse gear with in your personal areas of relationships, partnerships, marriage, contracts or competitors. These areas may become challenging, stagnant or bring revelations of secrets in some way, but either way, it’s advised against starting any major new projects or plans, to hold off on initiating any transformations and to avoid signing on the dotted line. This is all to avoid regrets, mistakes and losses when Mercury then finally goes direct. In general see to the day-to-day running of life, plan ahead and make notes, but hold off from starting anything new.
Dear Libra, March has the planet of communication, travel, logical mind & thoughts starting a retrograde from the 6th to the 28th. This affects you personally in areas of daily work, routines, heath & wellbeing, which could see these area become challenging, stagnant or revealing secrets in some way. Overall it’s always warned to not start any new projects, plans, relationships and delay signing on ‘the dotted line.’ This is all in order to avoid later losses or mistakes that are revealed after Mercury goes direct. Venus brings you appeal and magnetism, as she travels through your love and romance zone. Overall, in general it’s best to see to the day-to-day running of life, plan ahead and make notes, but hold off on acting on it.
Dear Scorpio March has the planet of communication, travel, the mind & logical thought, in retrograde from the 5th till the 28th. In this time it’s always advised to hold off from starting brand new projects or plans. It’s been known that new beginnings in this inauspicious time become problematic, yielding little success. For you this hits your personal areas of love, romance, flirtations, fun and social sphere. So for you, the meeting or initiating of any new relationships may not last for the longterm or setting a marriage date in this period would be disastrous. Overall it’s best to see to the day to day running of life, whilst planning and making notes for the future, as opposed to acting on it. On a positive note the planet of love, Venus, is travelling through areas of the home and family and this encourages you to spend time in these areas.
Dear Sagittarius March is a month to keep life simple, seeing see to plans & projects already in momentum. This is because the planet of communication, travel, the mind & logical thoughts, is in retrograde from the 5th till the 28th. For you personally, this affects areas of the home, family or that which forms the roots of your life. You may find that these areas throw you challenges or reveal something previously hidden. It would be advised to avoid buying, renovating, or make major changes to your home. Hold off with major changes, to anything that provides your security until Mercury is direct. The planet of fire, fury and passion, Mars, is travelling through areas of your daily work, routines, health & wellbeing. Mars can fill you with desire for action to change something with in these areas. It would be positive for you to take care and maintain these areas until Mercury moves forward.
Dear Capricorn for March, I would encourage you to see to maintaining life, projects & plans already started, because the planet of communication, travel, the mind & logical thought starts its retrograde from the 5th to the 28th. For you personally this is accentuated more so, as this reverse energy affects an area that Mercury governs, namely the 3rd house of light-hearted contacts, all forms of communication, social intellectual learning, studies, close relationships and/or short travels. These areas could throw challenges your way or come to reveal something hidden. Overall it’s always advised to avoid taking action on brand new projects or plans with in any area of life, but instead see to preserving that which is already in existence. Mars brings fire, fury or passion to areas of love, romance, flirtations and/or socialising and may be a good distraction until Mercury goes forward.
Dear Aquarius March is month to hold back and maintain all areas of life as the planet of communication, travels, the mind & logical thought starts a retrograde from the 5th to the 28th. For you personally, this occurs in areas of money, wealth, security or self-worth. It’s strongly advised to keep a careful eye on incomes, spending and not make any investments in this time. Overall, the backward sway of Mercury is a time to put off any action towards starting any major new projects, plans and avoid signing ‘on the dotted line,’ in order to avoid problems, or then find that its been a huge mistake to have started it in the first place. On a good note, the planet of love and abundance is in your sign till the 26th encouraging you to focus on yourself and those you love.
Dear Pisces March is a month to relax and go with the flow, as the planet of communication, travel, the mind & logical mind, starts its retrograde from the 5th to the 28th. This impacts you, more than anyone else, as it’s occurring in your sign, leading to possible minor challenges or revelations out of the ordinary. It’s advised to take care with your written & spoken word and travels. Try to keep your mind distracted from illogical ideas. Avoid starting anything brand new and try not to sign ‘on the dotted line’ until Mercury goes forward. On a good note there’s a New Moon in your sign on the 6th energising life and renewal in general. The Goddess of Love and Abundance enters your sign on the 26th allowing love, self love, happiness and/or fun times to unravel in some way, well timed all in readiness to move forward in positive strides as Mercury goes direct from the 28th.
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