Email Reading – 4 Basic Questions


Email Reading – 4 Basic Questions
After booking your email reading, please send your name, date of birth and your 4 basic questions to – [email protected].

Sky Silverstone Dip.Coun.  Dip.NLP.  Dip.Life-Coach.  Dip.Child & Adolescent Coun.
With many years of psychic, astrology and counseling experience, allowing Sky to channel through the guidance specific to you, which she compiles onto an email, sending it through to your inbox. Simple easy and at your fingertips to read at your convenience. From here, you are better able to see a way forward and make balanced decisions. Here are just some of the areas that Sky has experience in dealing with: love and relationships, ex-partners, life challenges, emotional difficulties, divorce, stress, work/relationship issues, couple-counseling, self-acceptance, bereavement/loss and much more.

For more information do not hesitate to contact us on – [email protected]

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Email Reading – 4 Basic Questions

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