Dear friends,
Here is May 2019 the month of the fixed earth sign of Taurus The Bull as the Sun travels through the Taurus constellation. The Sun then moves in to Gemini late in the month.
The month is all things Taurean, accented even more with the New Moon also in Taurus on the 4th. From then it’s expanding positive energies through to the Full Moon on the 18th and that’ll be an emotionally super-charged, as it’s in the passionate, highly sensitive water sign of Scorpio.
For a short astro-overview please have a look at You Tube video for May 2019 here>
For more insights on all things astrological, spiritual & psychic, as well as your questions, I’ll be live on screen on sky channel 560 from 3pm to 10pm on the following days in May: Wednesday 1st / Thursday 2nd / Tuesday 7th / Wednesday 8th.
If you need me, you can always book a session with me here:
June, Gemini’s month coming up next. For now, have a great May everyone!
Sky x
Dear Airies May starts with the Goddess of Love, Venus, travelling through your sign along with the Mercury the planet of communication & travel. This encourages you to feel good, look your best, with chances of attracting people towards your charming self. You may also find that you’re speaking your truth, being more vocal and being heard along the way. All types of communication are fired up through Mars travelling through this area and energising this part of your chart. Meanwhile the almighty Sun is travelling through your house of money, wealth and self worth, shining its light on these areas allowing you to see what works well financially for you and that which may need changing.
Dear Taurus it’s your month indeed! All through the almighty Sun shining its spotlight on you as it travels through your sign. Adding to this, the positive energies are sharpened with the New Moon on the 4th also being in your sign. More good news as the planet of communication moves in on the 6th then joined by Venus the love Goddess on the 15th. Both planets are elevating your magnetism, engaging you to receive recognition and liberating your communications skills. To sum up, the planetary visits are spectacular for you, as you have the Sun, the New Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Uranus in your sign – WHOA! So if you strive to achieve a personal goal you have the planets propelling you for success.
Dear Gemini’s the fiery planet of action, war & passion Mars, is in your sign pushing and propelling you to speak up, take action or be energised in a number of areas. On the 16th Mars moves on into your house of money, wealth and self worth urging you to analyse, change incomes & attract financial security. Good news as the almighty Sun, along with your ruler Mercury make a grand entrance into your sign on the 21st. From then, this is a period that’s a great plus for you Gemini’s, as well as all of us, with the mighty planet of communication & travel being in his home. This makes you sharp, focused and a driving force. The key is, to pick a goal and then take action to make it a success.
Dear Cancer, a great start to the month with Mercury who governs forms of communication and Venus the Love Goddess revving up your magnetism, as they travel through your personal areas of career, ambitions and longterm goals. Making this is a time to gain recognition, respect and be heard for all you have to say. Mercury moves forward on the 6th to join the almighty Sun in the area of friendships and group connections, followed by Venus joining forces on the 15th. This will give your group-friendships a boost, or could bring success with work goals if you can collaborate efforts with colleagues. Must mention Mars, bringing his fire, passion and action to you as he enters your sign on the 15th, energising you for action of some kind.
Dear Leo May has the communication planet Mercury and the Love Goddess Venus travelling through your 9th house, which takes your attention to indulging in a change of scenery, taking a journey either in your mind, physically or spiritually. Meanwhile the almighty Sun is energising your house governing areas of career, ambitions and goals and on the 6th Mercury the communication planet joins the Sun in this area, followed shortly by the Love Goddess Venus on the 16th. After then it would be to your advantage to go forward full throttle for achieving or gaining something important to you in areas of career and ambitions.
Dear Virgo May has your ruler Mercury and Venus travelling through areas that are personal & private, such as taking your attention to the intimacy you share with another, or the shared-finances you have including investments or inheritances. This could also push you to delve into the deeper, more hidden parts of your mind and life. All the while the almighty Sun is pushing you to seek a change in scenery, a step away from the normal day-to-day hum drum or seek a change of routine. Mercury joins the Sun after the 6th then followed shortly by Venus on the 15th creating positive energy for you to change something in the journey of your life.
Dear Libra May starts well with your ruler the Love Goddess Venus, and the communication planet Mercury travelling through your house of relationships, commitments, marriage and contracts. This is a plus for your relationships to form stronger bonds and ties. All the while the almighty Sun is in your intimacy and shared-finances sector and on the 6th Mercury moves in, followed on your ruler Venus who enters on the 15th. This has the capacity to bring your attention to the intimacy you may need, or one that you already share with someone. Over all, the month looks to be governed by relationship and personal matters of the heart.
Dear Scorpio May starts with the Love Goddess Venus and the communication planet Mercury energising your areas of daily work, routines and health regimes. You could find that you’re looking at making these areas work well, with more efficiency for you’re your life overall. Mercury moves on from the 6th joining the almighty Sun to uplift your relationships, commitments and marriage connections, then Venus also moves in from the 15th giving your committed connections a huge positive boost. A great positive for you, is the Full Moon on the 18th being in your sign, supercharging feelings and emotions and pushing the hidden to come out from with in you.
Dear Sagittarius a great start to the month of May for you with the Love Goddess Venus and the communication planet Mercury energising your house of romance, fun, flirtations and recreational matters. You may find that the lighter side of life is floating in, with possible exciting flirtations to boot. All the while the almighty Sun is highlighting your daily work, routines and your health regimes and from the 6th Mercury joins in with the Sun adding focus and direction for you in these areas. Then Venus makes it a powerful threesome by joining in on the 15th. This is a positive mix to gain recognition and make headway for your goals in work or your health regimes.
Dear Capricorn May could take your attention to areas of the home, family matters or that which provides security to your life, all through the Love Goddess Venus and the communication planet Mercury energising these areas. Meanwhile the almighty Sun is highlighting your fun and flirtation zone, then Mercury floats in on the 6th pushing your focus to be directed towards enjoying the lighter side of life. This is accentuated even more as Venus adds her potent energy to this area that she governs making it an even more fun time for recreational activities, romance, flirtation and just a lighter side to life.
Dear Aquarius May is a great month that could liberate your communication skills, bring you a focus of mind, draw you towards gaining favour and some acceptance from others. This is all through the Goddess of Love Venus and the communication planet Mercury travelling through these areas. Meanwhile the almighty Sun is drawing your attentions to your home, family and that which makes you feel secure, with Mercury enters this area followed by Venus on the 15th. This will heighten your need in seeking comfort and peace with in your home and family connections.
Dear Pisces May starts off with an accent on your money, wealth and incomes as the abundance Goddess, Venus is in her home area of your chart, along with the communication planet Mercury, all adding to sharpening your focus towards your incomes and money. From the 6th Mercury moves on, into his home of your 3rd house of communication, joining the almighty Sun whose already putting a spotlight on this area. Then on the 15th Venus also moves into this area liberating your vocals skills, pushing your attention to your immediate environment, making short journeys and a general seeing to the administration of life.
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