Dear friends,
Hello and welcome to your January 2023 Horoscopes.
January is influenced by the Cardinal Earth Sign of Capricorn, ruled by the planet of discipline, karma, limitations and learning life lessons. The card in any tarot pack that represents January as well as Capricorn is the Devil Card. The Sun travels through this sign till the 20th and then moves into the sign of Capricorn.
Later in January, there’s good news for Gemini’s, Virgoans as your ruler Mercury, the planet of communication, the creative mind, intelligence and thoughts, is moving forward on the 18th from retrograde as he travels through Capricorn. In the vein, action provoker Mars, the ruler of Aries, travelling through Gemini, also moves forward from retrograde on the 12th
Ok, so for my cosmic ordering people, please make note that the most powerful manifestation is the lead-up to the Full Moon on the 6th in Cancer. Then follows a period of a waning Moon, ideally used for clearing and cleansing negativity especially 3 to 7 days before the next New Moon on the 21st in Aquarius.
There’s more in my video on YouTube, so make sure you check out my January 2022 Astro-Update Video where I’ve referred to the above and a lot more besides. Check it out on YouTube here:
If you want to grab some guidance specific to yourself, why not book a private one-to-one telephone reading with me? Refer to my website to book in with me, here:
You can also book other services such as email readings, text message readings and other services here:
If there are any questions on how to book or anything else, please get in touch with my admin team by emailing us at > [email protected]
Or another way to have a chat with me is to catch me on the Psychic Today Show. And in January 2023, I’ll be on the show from 3pm to 10pm on these January dates – Monday 9th, Wednesday 11th and Monday 16th. I will also log in randomly at other times if you need me.
Wishing you all a prosperous successful year ahead 2023
Sky x
Dear Aries happy new year! Welcome to your January horoscope. Your quote for the month is, ‘It doesn’t matter how slowly you go, so long as you do go and try your best.’ With the almighty Sun shining on your efforts towards career and ambitions, the message is that, you try to make efforts towards the changes you desire. In a different version of this house, you may receive gratitude or thanks for a job well done. Mercury the planet of positive logical thoughts, communication and creative influences is retrograding in this same house till the 18th. As your ruler Mars is also retrograding till the 12th you must take care in the devising of your plans, be open to making changes if needed, double check how and what you’re communicating. This is because retrogrades love to throw a spanner in works just to keep up you on your toes! Then the Sun moves on from the 20th placing a sparkle on your closest friendships. Past friends could emerge, as new friendships could be introduced for your perusal. Have a great start to 2023 Aries!
Dear Taurus happy new year! Welcome to your January horoscope. Your quote for the month is, ‘I’m chasing, running screaming & shouting to get away from my boring life towards an exciting life transformation!’ This is being brought to you through the power of the Sun shining it’s light on areas that amplify your desire to change the humdrum of life or, in taking a more scenic daily route. You could be rebellious towards some kind of life revolution, to learn something new or take a journey that adds to that. Mercury the planet of clear thinking, communications & the creative spark is also influencing this sector but it’s in retrograde till the 18th. This means that you must be careful with what you’re saying and how you’re getting your message across. The Sun moves forward on the 20th taking it’s spark to lighting a fire under your desire to achieve your ambitions. This is a time to reach for your goals. Other bulls may receive recognition for doing a great job or for something well done. That’s a super start to the year Taurus!
Dear Gemini happy new year! Welcome to your January horoscope. Your quote for the month is, ‘Think before you decide, think twice before you speak, think thrice before acting then still hold on, don’t act unless you’re sure!’ This is because you’re under the direct influence of 2 planetary retrogrades. Firstly, your ruler, the master communicator Mercury reverses till the 18th. Secondly, fiery Mars is in your sign hindering your ‘go-get’ desire, as he’s in reverse till the 12th. So please read my above quote again! Hold off on throwing caution to the wind until both planets are direct. Moving on, the Sun is highlighting your need for privacy or to close off the outside world. Other Gems may receive this energy in needing to do the sums related to joint monies. The Sun moves forward on the 20th throwing you a learning curve which could be either spiritual, mental or a physical trip to move your mind to new heights. Although it’s a month to be a little cautious, Gemini’s will always find a way through, up and out! Have a great month Gemini!
Dear Cancer happy new year! Welcome to your January horoscope. Your quote for the month is, ‘Whether dealing with friend, spouse or relative, try to understand, accept & love a person for all the good and bad they exhibit, for this is true unconditional love. Not easily done, but it brings you blessings’ With the almighty Sun in your relationships zone, your associations are brought to a focal point this month, positively or perhaps not. The mighty communicator Mercury also in this same house and can be a great ally giving you the right thoughts and words to uplift all connections. However, there’s a small spanner in the works as Mercury retrogrades till the 18th. All that’s needed is a little care with your words, body language and your written word. It’s a time when you can misunderstand people, say the wrong thing or send a text without checking what you’ve written. Mercury loves to throw a spanner in the works by catching you unawares or in a rush. Finally watch out for the catalyst that could bring your emotions to a boil, the Full Moon on the 6th is in your sign! Have a super start to the Year, and have a wonderful January Cancer!
Dear Leo happy new year! Welcome to your January horoscope. Your quote for the month is, ‘There’s no such thing as ‘work-life’ balance, there’s just living your life to the best and what you build into your daily-doings!’ This is delivered to you through the power of the Sun travelling through your daily work, everyday routines and well-being zones, making it a time to get organised from the get-go-opening-month of the year. You may be pushed to re-set, re-vamp or re-invent your work, your health areas or maybe your daily routines. With the mighty communicator, Mercury at play in the same zone he’s usually an immense support bringing you the right ideas however, this energy is dampened as Mercury is retrograding till the 18th. So this is a time to stay on track with a focus to your ideas and desires but avoid letting the mind spiral negatively. Don’t ‘fall off the wagon’ when it comes to daily routines and work goals. Mercury in retrograde loves to test us by throwing a spanner in the works of the house he’s travelling through. All that’s needed is your careful attention, to avoid mistakes. The Sun moves forward on the 20th bringing your closest associations and relationships to your attention. A great start to the year, have a great month Leo!
Dear Virgo happy new year! Welcome to your January horoscope. Your quote for the month is, “Christmas is over, but don’t pass up opportunities still being sent your way to enjoy life and still have fun!’ This is brought to you as the almighty Sun travels through your zone of flirtations, fun and generally ‘letting your hair down.’ The mighty communicator Mercury is an awesome ally for all areas of life as he’s also in this sector. However, a little care is needed for 2 reasons, firstly he’s in retrograde till the 18th and secondly this energy is doubled for you, as he’s your ruler! Simply all that’s needed is your care & attention, as this energy could create mistakes, miscommunications and lead you to make incorrect assumptions. If you take care it won’t stop you from enjoying the month. The Sun moves forward on the 20th and your attention is taken to the contents of what’s in your every day and/or your wellbeing. This could have you tweaking your daily work, routines or, in the vein of any new year, you could be setting a new health regime. A great start to the year, have a great January Virgo.
Dear Libra happy new year! Welcome to your January horoscope. Your quote for the month is, ‘Life takes you on adventures but it’s love that brings you home.’ The almighty Sun enlivens your need for the creature comforts of your ‘home sweet home’ and draws you into a feeling of togetherness that binds you to your family. The mighty communicator Mercury is also in this zone and is a great support for words and positive ideas, but he’s in retrograde till the 18th. This means that a little care is needed with your communications, whether written, vocal or through body language. Watch out for misunderstanding people or being misunderstood by others. After this period of nesting, as the Sun moves onward from the 20th, you could be breaking out away family & home seeking the freedom to have fun. So the opposite energies now flow in as you’re enticed to let your hair down, get out & about, maybe have a flirt and indulge in light fun chats. There could be invitations getting you out of the house that also allow you to enjoy life a little. A great start to the year, have a great January Libra!
Dear Scorpio happy new year! Welcome to your January horoscope. Your quote of the month is, ‘Think of how to tackle the big things in life, whilst you’re getting the little things sorted.’ This message comes to you as a result of the almighty Sun travelling through your house of communications, quick short journeys, dealing with brothers/sisters and getting outstanding jobs done. This is an ideal time to tick off the ‘to-do list’ and get the admin of life in order. This is a house that the mighty communication planet Mercury governs and is a huge support for you. However Mercury is in retrograde till the 18th so without care & attention, you might find unnecessary issues and problems arising. Be careful with what you’re saying, how you’re saying it, being clear so as to avoid misunderstandings and then all runs smoothly. The Sun moves on from the 20th then drawing you to enjoying the simple creature comforts of home and family. Others could be filled with a need to change their home, such as decorating or looking at changing home. Overall a great start to your year Scorpio!
Dear Sagittarius happy new year! Welcome to your January horoscope. Your quote of the month is, ‘Money is a tool, it will take you where you want but it can not replace you – as the driver!’ This message is brought to you as the almighty Sun travels through your money zones. You could be drawn to analyse, tweak and bring efficiency to your money areas, whiles others could be looking to expand sources of income in some way. The mighty planet of bright ideas and communication Mercury, is travelling through this zone as well. Normally this would aid your thoughts and ideas on how to make those positive changes but I ask you to hold off on making any major changes or investing, as Mercury is in retrograde on the 18th. In this time, tackle the essentials, but hold off on any major decisions until Mercury is direct as it has a habit to cause people to make mistakes. Outstanding bits left unsorted from this house can be tackled when the Sun moves onwards from the 20th as this energises you to get the outstanding bits of life in order, to make those essential short quick journeys and see to the admin of life. Overall it’s a great start to the year Sagittarius!
Dear Capricorn happy new year! Welcome to your January horoscope. Your quote of the month is, ‘Praise, celebrate and shine every chance you get. You, your existence, your successes, as well as the failures – are a light!’ Take note of this strong message as it’s your month to shine because the almighty Sun is spreading its light in your sign. But, it’s also a lucky time because there are 3 planets in your sign, not only the Sun, the planet of communication and bright ideas Mercury, along with the Goddess of Love Venus, are in your sign this month. I repeat, you are a light but only you can make a decision to shine, or not! All that’s needed is to take care with your communications to avoid mistakes, as Mercury retrogrades till the 18th. Then, all good things have to transform, as the almighty Sun then moves onwards from the 20th going on to feed and uplift your money and wealth zones. This makes it a great time to look at how you can attract and increase your money pot. Invest wisely and reap the benefits later. Well, I did say – it’s definitely your month Capricorn! Have a great one!
Dear Aquarius happy new year! Welcome to your January horoscope. Your quote of the month is, ‘Spend time alone in peace, search your mind, spirit & soul as often as you’re able. This allows you to learn who you are and lead you towards what’s for your highest good.’ That’s the message from the universe as the almighty Sun lights the way into your unconscious & subconscious, because all answers lie there. Only you can guide yourself towards knowing and understanding where you truly should be going. The energy of this is multiplied and supported as Mercury the mighty planet of the mind and thoughts is also in this same area. However be mindful that Mercury is in retrograde till the 18th, this means that it may take you a little longer to figure out what your inner spirit is saying but don’t worry, you’ll will get there. The Sun moves on from the 20th into your sign and the vibration changes from focusing on the inner you to, the outer you. A spotlight shines on your positive presence to the outside world, you get boost to your personality and leads to uplifting your presence to the world. A peaceful start to the year, leading to a spotlight on you. Have a great month Aquarius.
Dear Pisces happy new year! Welcome to your January horoscope. Your quote of the month is, ‘A real friend is the one who walks in and refuses to leave when the rest of the world has walked out on you!’ This is brought to you as the almighty Sun travels through your zones of associations, friends and working as a group rather than ‘going it alone.’ This energy is multiplied as Mercury the planet of communication and bright ideas also feeds this area. However, Mercury is in retrograde till the 18th, so there’s a need to communicate with care to avoid misunderstanding people or being misunderstood yourself. Then from the 20th, the Sun moves onwards taking you to a need to nurture the inner you. In the latter part of the month, you may close the doors to the outside world to take time to reflect and search within. Or you may simply need some ‘nurturing time’ with a good book or a movie. Whatever suits you, I wish you an awesome month Pisces!
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