Dear friends,
Hello and welcome to your September 2022 Horoscopes.
September is influenced by the Mutable Earth Sign of Virgo The Virgin ruled by Mercury. The card in any tarot pack that represents September as well as the astrological sign of Virgo, is The Hermit Card. The Sun travels through this sign till the 23rd then moving onto Libra.
Bare in mind that, September has 5 planets in retrograde, which are, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and Uranus are already reversing and then Mercury starts a retrograde on the 10th. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and is retrograding in Aries. Saturn rules Capricorn and is retrograding in Aquarius. Pluto rules Scorpio and retrograding in Capricorn. Uranus rules Aquarius and is retrograding in Taurus. Mercury ruler Gemini and Virgo and is retrograding in Libra
Check if you’re one of these astrological signs and if you are, then try to delay major, new or life-transforming beginnings, for example; getting married. This is, if it’s possible to wait till the planet that’s affecting you, goes forward. If you’re not sure, please book in with me, as it’s better to be well informed, rather than not. If you can’t delay, then triple-check your facts, figures and/or small print. If you have any questions please get in touch with me.
We have a Pisces Full Moon on the 10th and a Libra New Moon on the 25th.
There’s more in my video on YouTube so make sure you check out my September 2022 Astro-Update Video where I’ve referred to the above and a lot more besides. Check it out on YouTube here:
If you want to grab some guidance specific to yourself, why not book a private one-to-one telephone reading with me. Refer to my website to book in with me, here:
You can also book other services such as email readings, text message services and other services here:
If there are any questions on how to book or anything else, please get in touch with my admin team by emailing us at > [email protected]
Or another way to have a chat with me is to catch me on the Psychic Today Show. And in September, I’ll be on the show from 3pm to 10pm on these dates – Friday 2nd, Monday 5th and Wednesday 7th.
Please enjoy your horoscope below. Wishing you a prosperous, healthy and successful month of September 2022.
Sky x
Dear Aries welcome to your September Horoscope. The big question this month is, what’s going on with your work, colleagues and your everyday on-goings? And do you fancy a boot camp to create a body-beautiful? So the start of the month could draw you into these areas as the Sun travels through these sectors. Therefore, tweaking or changing your daily job, re-arranging parts of your work or changes to your everyday goings-on may be on the agenda for you. Then from the 23rd, the Sun moves on entering the most important relationships house. Committed rams may reach for even deeper bonds in their most important relationships. Whilst singletons could turn their minds away from fleeting connections to ones that hold a chance of longevity or commitment. Planet of communication Mercury starts a retrograde in this area till October 2nd. This would be a time to think before you speak to avoid misunderstandings and take extra care when dealing with the areas mentioned above. Lastly, your ruler Mars is creating action and positive energies in your house of communications, quick trips and siblings. During this time you may well get passionately fired up into dealing with aspects that relate to one or more of these sectors. Have a great September Aries.
Dear Taurus welcome to your September Horoscope. Fancy some fun, frolics or a love affair? Time to bury the serious side of life and put on your cap of ‘let’s have fun!’ This is through the Sun stirring up your house of leisure, pleasure, enjoyment and short-term affairs. Some of you may simply get invitations that could lead to opportunities to ‘let your hair down’ and walk a lighter & fun pathway. The Sun moves on the 23rd taking your attention to your daily job, your everyday activities and/or your health & wellbeing. Some bulls may throw themselves into enhancing their well-being and their fitness to feel better about themselves. The planet of communication, the mind and travels, starts a retrograde on the 10th in this same house of daily work and well-being. So therefore please treat these areas with care, as I urge you to think before you communicate to avoid misunderstandings. Uranus, the planet that brings out a need for independence, freedom and the unconventional, has been in your sign drawing out your need to think differently to bring better results. However, Uranus is retrograding till January next year. Be mindful of feeling hemmed in, or feeling that you’re not in control. These effects are temporary outcomes of the retrograde and all that’s needed is a calm thought-out approach, then life balances out. Have a great September Taurus!
Dear Gemini welcome to your September Horoscope. The month is about, ‘home is where the heart is,’ as you’re drawn to either spending time at home, being with family or possibly getting on with décor changes. This is encouraged through the Sun travelling through your sector of the home, life security or that which relates to the father figure of your life. Then the Sun moves on from the 23rd bringing you out of hiding at home, to enjoy some leisure, fun and pleasure. You may get invitations encouraging you to ‘let your hair down,’ and enjoy life in some way. Keep in mind that the backdrop to the month firstly is that, your ruling planet Mercury is starting a retrograde on the 10th in this same house of fun and enjoyment. All that’s needed is that, you make decisions carefully and with forethought regarding these areas. Secondly, the planet of action and go-get, Mars, is powered up as it travels through your sign all month. This will get you fired up about something, whether it’s being at home dealing with family in the first part of the month, or going on to enjoy life and having fun later in the month. Have a great month Gemini!
Dear Cancer welcome to your September Horoscope. This month you’ve got the ‘gift of the gab’ as you naturally have the right thing to say, with perfect time to speak up. This is channelled through the almighty Sun lighting up your communication house. You may well be making quick flying trips & involved with short happy chats along the way as you go about your life to tie up loose ends. The Sun moves on the 23rd going on to draw you into matters of your home, family, children or that which brings you more security. You could be drawn to either, spending time at home, making home décor changes or looking at how you can feel safer & securer in life. The planet of communication, ideas, creativity and learning, Mercury, starts his 3rd retrograde of the year on the 10th, reversing in this same sector of the home. Retrograde energies sometimes throw a spanner into the normal workings of life. So for you, it would be particularly so in the areas of your home and family. It’s a time that’s common for miscommunications and misunderstandings to lead to arguments. The best way to prevent issues is to take care and assess the situation at hand and then plan your words before speaking. Also, delay all major life-changing plans until Mercury moves direct on the 2nd of October when harmony is restored. Wishing you a great September Cancer!
Dear Leo welcome to your September Horoscope. Money money money is the theme for the start of the month. This is through the almighty Sun shaking up your house of money, wealth, finances and shared investments. You could be shown ways to somehow increase your financial situation or make changes to your shared connections to do with security. The Sun moves onwards from the 23rd going on to shake up areas of your 3rd house of communications, quick trips and swift chit-chats. You could be making flying journeys and tying up loose ends of your life. Bare in mind that this is a house that’s governed by Mercury, the governing planet of communication, the mind & travel, alongside the fact that currently, Mercury is also travelling through this area. This amplifies the areas of the house. However, Mercury starts a retrograde from the 10th to the 2nd of October and I would advise you to take extra care and forethought with all communications and travels. Think about the impact of what you’re about to say before speaking to avoid miscommunications and misunderstandings as these could lead to arguments. Ideally, try and delay all major life-changing decisions till Mercury is direct and harmony is restored. Have a great September Leo!
Dear Virgo welcome to your September Horoscope. This is your month Virgo as the almighty Sun remains in your sign for the good part of the month. This shines a light on your presence & power to the outside world. The good news to add is that from the 5th Venus the Goddess of Love & Money is also in your sign. She’ll be hand in hand with the Sun shining on you to be a beacon of light to the world, you can be looking good, feeling good and in you’re in demand. You should feel uplifted and optimistic about yourself so make the most of it Virgoans! Then the Sun moves onwards from the 23rd moving on to shake up your 2nd house of money wealth and shared assets. This attracts positive changes to your financial life. This is enhanced when Venus flows in as well on the 29th and bigger changes can unfold as Venus rules this house. Be mindful that your ruling planet Mercury planet of communication, the logical mind and travel starts a retrograde on the 10th. This is a time to think before speaking & acting, as miscommunications will lead to misunderstandings or arguments as these are common outcomes of this reverse gear. Hold off on all or major decisions until Mercury is direct on the 2nd of October and harmony is restored. Have an awesome September Virgo!
Dear Libra welcome to your September Horoscope. Don’t be surprised if you want to shut the doors to the world and hide away! You may feel that you need time away from the hum-drum of life as the Sun travels through your 12th house of solitude, secrets and the subconscious. You may feel a little detached from everything but that’s a positive thing as it lends to being objective. Mercury the planet of communication, the logical mind, focused thoughts and travels, is in your sign uplifting your mind and chats. However, Mercury starts a retrograde on the 10th and this marks a time that’s common for miscommunications and misunderstandings that could lead to arguments. Ways to overcome this is, knowledge of taking care before speaking or acting and giving greater thought to the impact of your words. Harmony is restored again when Mercury is direct on the 2nd of October. The Sun moves on the 23rd to enter your sign placing a positive spotlight on you, your image and your presence in the world. The good news is that the New Moon on the 25th is in your sign and with your intentions, this can uplift renewal energies to parts of your life that need it. All this is enhanced more so as the Goddess of Love & Money enters your sign on the 23rd invigorating your personal power, showering you with looking good, feeling good and being popular. Enjoy the great month that’s ideal for you Libra!
Dear Scorpio welcome to your September Horoscope. A month that echoes the motto, ‘a friend in need, is a friend indeed!’ Life will encourage the value of friendships and positive associations, all making an uplifting impact on your life. This is through the mighty Sun travelling through this sector of joining together with others to maximise successful outcomes, whether it’s personal or professional partnerships. Mercury the planet of communication, quick thinking, logic, and swift travels, starts a retrograde from the 10th. This retrograde is happening in your 12th house of secrets, the subconscious and solitude. In addition to the usual retrograde issues common to Mercury retrograde, such as miscommunications, misunderstandings and lack of mental focus, there are problems related to the areas of this house. You may find yourself over-analysing your private thoughts as you shut the door to the outside world. Harmony is restored when Mercury is direct on the 2nd of October. The Sun moves on the 23rd to enter this same house and a spotlight is shone on something that you need to address as you take time away from the busy outside world. Bare in mind that your ruler Pluto, is also retrograding in Capricorn. With two retrogrades affecting you, means it would be wise to delay major life-changing decisions but if that’s not possible then give serious thought before taking action or speaking. This is all to avoid mistakes and miscommunication which are common outcomes of retrogrades. Have a great September Scorpio!
Dear Sagittarius welcome to your September Horoscope. ‘What a great job you’ve done!’ This is the message of the start of the month as the mighty Sun travels through the sector which showers you with receiving recognition or respect for something well done. With other Saggies, career ambitions could start to see the light of success in some way. Mercury, the planet of communication, a focused mind and travels, starts a retrograde on the 10th in your 11th house of friendships and collaborative efforts with others. During this time the usual issues with this retrograde could surface, such as a puzzling mind, saying the wrong thing, misunderstandings and arguments. But also, issues could arise to do with the areas of the house Mercury is reversing in, such as miscommunication with friends and tenuous connections with your group- associations. All that’s needed is, care before acting or speaking and from the 2nd of October Mercury is direct and harmony restored. The Sun moves onwards from the 23rd going on to join Mercury and so the Sun shines a spotlight on that which needs your attention with your closest friends and connections. Also, bare in mind that your ruler, lucky Jupiter is also retrograding till the end of November. This makes it a month to make important decisions with a lot of care and forethought, ideally delaying life-changing decisions till ideally both Jupiter and Mercury are direct. Have a great month Sagittarius!
Dear Capricorn welcome to your September Horoscope. Throw away the humdrum of life and take an exciting journey! This is what you’re feeling this month as the mighty Sun creates some commotion in areas that draw your attention to taking a mental or physical journey. You’re easily ditching the mundane for a more intriguing endeavour or seeking answers to the unknown. Mercury the planet of communication, focused thoughts and travels, starts a retrograde on the 10th in your house of career, respect, recognition for a job well done and achievements. During this time the usual issues with this retrograde could surface, such as a puzzled mind, saying the wrong thing and misunderstandings. But also watch out for problems in areas of the house that Mercury is reversing in, such as miscommunication within career sectors. All that’s needed is care before acting or speaking as harmony is restored when Mercury is direct on the 2nd of October. Also bear in mind that your ruler, the great teacher that’s Saturn, is also retrograding till the end of October. With 2 retrogrades affecting you it’s time to make important decisions with a lot of care and forethought, or ideally delaying life-changing decisions until both Saturn and Mercury are direct. The Sun moves onwards from the 23rd going on to join Mercury in your career and respect sector, it shines a spotlight on that which needs your attention within these mentioned areas. Have a great month Capricorn!
Dear Aquarius welcome to your September Horoscope. Shut the door on those nosey parkers and enjoy your privacy! You may feel your private life is valuable this month as the mighty Sun is stirring up your house of sexual connections, privacy, solitude, shared investments or inheritances. You could be involved in some steamy bedroom action, whilst others may be sorting out their shared money or you may just want some alone time. Mercury the planet of communication, focused thoughts, the mind and travels, starts a retrograde on the 10th in your 9th house of journeys and changes to the scenery of life. During this time the usual issues with this retrograde could surface, such as a confused mind, saying the wrong thing and misunderstandings crop up. Also, problems could arise related to the house Mercury is reversing in, such as confusion of the mind or issues relating to the changes of surroundings. The Sun moves onwards from the 23rd going on to join Mercury as the Sun shines a spotlight on that which needs your attention in your 9th house. You could see clearly what needs to be put on hold or what needs to be changed with your closest friends and connections. Also bear in mind that your ruler, unconventional Uranus is also retrograding till January. With 2 retrogrades affecting you it’s wise to make important decisions with a lot of care and forethought, or if possible, ideally delay your decisions until both Uranus and Mercury are direct. Have a great month Aquarius!
Dear Pisces welcome to your September Horoscope. A month that’s not for the commitment-phobes! So do you want that relationship to become committed or are going to do a runner away from it? The Sun is shaking this up for you as it travels through your house of relationships, commitment and marriage. You could be analysing your needs, scrutinizing what you truly want from the serious relationships of your life, whilst singletons look for associations for the longer-term. Bare in mind that Mercury the planet of communication, focused thoughts, the mind and travels, is in retrograde from the 10th in your house of sexuality, privacy and shared finances. During this time the usual issues will arise to do with this retrograde such as a puzzled mind, and saying the wrong thing that could create misunderstandings or arguments. But also issues could arise to do with the areas of the house Mercury is reversing in, such as miscommunications with your sexual partners or complications come up in your shared investments. All that’s needed is care before acting or speaking, as in 3 weeks harmony is restored when Mercury becomes direct on the 2nd of October. Your ruler, the psychic enhancer Neptune and lucky Jupiter are both in your sign, coupled with the fact that they’re both retrograding, therefore affecting you first. This makes it a month to make important decisions with a lot of care and forethought, ideally delaying life-changing decisions until Mercury is direct. The Sun moves onwards from the 23rd going on to join Mercury, as the Sun shines a spotlight on that which needs your immediate attention. Have a great month Pisces!
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