Dear friends,
Hello and welcome to your November 2022 Horoscopes.
November is influenced by the Fixed Water Sign of Scorpio, ruled by deep dark Pluto also sometimes referred to as King of the Underworld. The card in any tarot pack that represents November as well as showing us the sign of Scorpio is, The Death Card. The Sun travels through Scorpio till the 22nd and then moves into the sign of Sagittarius.
There’s good news for Pisces and Sagittarius as thankfully the planet of luck, success and expansion Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, moves forwards from retrograde on the 23rd in Pisces. There’s a rejuvenated harmony from Jupiter moving forwards and opportunities again start opening up or come back into effect for many of us.
Eclipses create massive transformations and changes for many and they always come in two’s, one Lunar Eclipse, and one Solar Eclipse. Well, we’ve already had a New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 25th of October, then its associated Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is on the 8th of November in Taurus. Here, I would urge you to avoid confrontations around this Full Moon as I often see relationships break-up as a result of not delaying that talk, that turns into an argument! Remember, Eclipses can create changes, it’s advised to help yourself in the weeks and days before the Eclipse, turn your thoughts and action toward what you wish to manifest.
There’s more in my video on YouTube, so make sure you check out my November 2022 Astro-Update Video where I’ve referred to the above and a lot more besides. Check it out on YouTube here:
If you want to grab some guidance specific to yourself, why not book a private one-to-one telephone reading with me? Refer to my website to book in with me, here:
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Or another way to have a chat with me is to catch me on the Psychic Today Show. And in October, I’ll be on the show from 3pm to 10pm on these dates – Thursday 3rd, Monday 7th, Wednesday 9th.
Wish you a prosperous and happy November2022! Please do enjoy your horoscope below.
Sky x
Dear Aries welcome to your November Horoscope! Smile, think positive and avoid that wobble! This is because Mars your ruler is in retrograde all month, so you may be faced with a few life-wobbles or challenges. However, you can easily jump through those hoops by keeping calm, try gentle breathing or meditation and leaving those major life-changing decisions on the back-burner. All the while, there’s an explosion of energies coming from a trio of planets strolling through your zones of privacy and sexuality. Namely, the almighty Sun, the creative chatterbox Mercury and the Goddess of Love & Money Venus, start the month creating waves in your sex life, privacy or your shared-money areas. Overall this should in some way, bring good outcomes to these areas that are personal to you. Venus moves forward on the 17th, Mercury chases her on the 17th and the Sun creates a slam dunk on the 22nd as all 3 enter your house of learning and self-discovery. Here you will likely feel motivated to have an open but learning mind, and you could be filled with wanting to explore unusual options in life and possibly take an adventure. A month that starts with you looking inwards and then turns out, to be your need to look forwards! Have a great November Aries!
Dear Taurus welcome to your November Horoscope! Relationships, associations and friendships take over the start of the month for you. This is through an explosion of energies from the trio of planets travelling through your house of relationships and contracts. The almighty Sun, creative chatterbox Mercury and the Goddess of Love & Money Venus, start the month creating waves in your most serious relationships and areas of contracts. This could put a spark of success in these areas as you may get rid of stragglers and keep the more serious connections. Then, Venus moves forward on the 16th, Mercury follows hot on her tail on the 17th and the Sun makes it a slam dunk on the 22nd as all 3 enter your house of sex, privacy and shared money. You may find a spotlight shining on your need to look at what’s ‘going on behind closed doors’ with your life and what importance it has for you. Watch out, as there could be some turbulence from the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse as it’s in your sign on the 8th, bringing the emotional out from with in you. Overall here comes a month that draws you towards dealing with relationships and emotions. Have an awesome November Taurus!
Dear Gemini welcome to your November Horoscope! Watch that temper and prevent your emotions from blowing up Gems! Why? Mars, the God of War & Action is retrograding in your sign all month. This could have the effect of making you feel pushed to do something or maybe take some action, but in reality you’re held back or left second-guessing whether you should proceed in the first place. This is one to watch, as this could build up your frustration eventually causing you to blow up and do something you may later regret. The answer lies in the knowledge that you’re definitely being influenced by retrograde energy; therefore make a conscious effort to not allow this energy to fester. All the while, there’s an explosion of energies from a trio of planets emanating from your zone of everyday work, daily activities and your health. Overall this will bring you positive outcomes in some way personal to you for example; work and colleagues bring you upliftment and success. Venus moves forward on the 17th, Mercury chases her on the 17th and the Sun joins in to create a slam dunk on the 22nd as all 3 planets enter your house of relationships and contracts. There may be great outcomes from your closest connections or you could be happily ‘signing on the dotted line,’ for something. It’s a great month if you keep a check on Mars reversing in your sign. Have an awesome November Gemini!
Dear Cancer welcome to your November Horoscope! Want a bit of duvet-dancing with no commitment, oh but a ton of fun? This is through an explosion of energies from the trio of planets travelling through your house of enjoyment, love affairs and pleasure. Namely, the almighty Sun, creative chatterbox Mercury and the Goddess of Love & Money Venus, all start the month by bringing opportunities that drop in your lap to enjoy life and laugh a lot more. Others may simply find a more pleasurable way forward allowing you to just enjoy life. Then, Venus moves forward on the 17th, Mercury is hot on her tail on the 17th and the Sun joins the party with a slam dunk on the 22nd as all planets 3 enter your house of daily work, everyday on-goings and health. Overall this will bring you positive outcomes in some way personal to you, for example; work and colleagues bring you success or you set out a new health regime. Overall, it’s a month to walk the lighter fun path for your life and ditch the serious side. Have an awesome November Cancer!
Dear Leo welcome to your November Horoscope! ‘Home sweet home’ is where your heart is this month! You’ll be getting this energy in bucket-loads, as the almighty Sun, creative chatterbox Mercury and the Goddess of Love & Money Venus, start off the month uplifting areas of your home, house and family in some way. For example, you’ll be compelled to make changes to your home, move properties, or simply spend time with your family. And consequently, you may shut the front door to the outside world. Then, the opposite plays out, when Venus moves forward on the 17th, Mercury chases her on the 17th and the Sun creates a slam dunk on the 22nd as all 3 planets enter your house that governs socialising, love affairs, having fun and enjoying life. This gets you out of the house, joining fun liaisons, indulging in flirtations and generally having fun. A month that starts by turning you into a home bunny dealing with house & family, to then coming out later in the month, letting your hair down for a bit of fun and maybe hitting the party scene! Wishing you a great November Leo!
Dear Virgo welcome to your November Horoscope! Let’s get moving, getting out & about and ticking off the ‘to-do list’! You’ll feel drawn to these areas as there’s an explosion of energies from a trio of planets, namely the almighty Sun, creative chatterbox Mercury and the Goddess of Love & Money Venus, all start the month in your zones of learning, short trips, communications and getting the admin of life straightened-up. Others could be drawn to dealing with brothers & sisters or close connections in some way. Overall, this should bring good outcomes to these areas in a way personal to you. Then Venus moves forward on the 16th, Mercury chases her on the 17th and the Sun joins the party for a slam dunk on the 22nd, as all 3 planets draw you towards your house, home and/or family. You may well be feeling a need for time in your ‘home sweet home,’ or be drawn to your family for fulfilment. Others may make changes to their homes or maybe want to change their home altogether. A month that starts with you making efforts toward getting things done & dusted in your life, then moving to the opposite by retreating into family and home in some way. Have a great November Virgo!
Dear Libra welcome to your November Horoscope! Grab that doe, stash the cash and then ask for more! Money is the main theme of this month from the explosion of energies from a trio of planets. Namely, this is through the almighty Sun, the creative & chatterbox Mercury and the Goddess of Love & Money Venus, as all start the month in your zones of money, wealth and security. You could be drawn to ways to increase your wealth pot, and if you’re lucky, it may not involve too much work to attract abundance. Overall, this should in some way, bring good outcomes to these areas in a way personal to you. Venus moves forward on the 16th, Mercury chases her on the 17th and the Sun joins in creating a slam dunk on the 22nd as all 3 planets uplift and energise you to get the admin of life tied up with no loose ends. Others may get moving & shaking with flying trips, chatting and connecting with people to ‘cross the t’s and dot the i’s’ related to important unfinished areas of life. A great month for abundance and dealing with tying up loose ends! Have a great November Libra!
Dear Scorpio welcome to your November Horoscope! It’s your month Scorpio! But it’s an extra lucky month for you. Why? Because it’s not just the almighty Sun in your sign but also the creative chatterbox Mercury and the Goddess of Love & Money, Venus. This showers you with magnetism, sex appeal and a much bigger shine to your personality so that the world is made to sit up and see you. Use this energy to gain favour and attention, or be heard in some way personal to you. Then, Venus moves forward on the 17th, Mercury chases her on the 17th and the Sun joins in to create a slam dunk on the 22nd as all 3 planets uplift areas of money, income and wealth. For example, this makes it a great time to ask for a pay raise, make a good investment or start a saving scheme. A great month as the light of success shines on you waters signs. Have a great November Scorpio!
Dear Sagittarius welcome to your November Horoscope! Need a bit of time away from the madness of the world? Well, the month starts with a need to step away from the hectic side of life and give insight to your thoughts and inner being. This is because the almighty Sun, the creative chatterbox Mercury and the Goddess of Love & Money Venus, are all travelling through the house of the subconscious, the hidden and secrets. This pushes you to look inwards whilst closing off the outside world. Make the most of this quieter time to gain a balance in mind & spirit, as life then takes a turn for the opposite, probably becoming more vibrant after the 16th. That’s because Venus moves into your sign on the 16th, and then Mercury is hot on her tail on the 17th and the Sun joins in the party creating a slam dunk on the 22nd. All 3 spheres power up your existence & presence to the outside world. A spotlight is shone upon you as you become more magnetic and uplifted. Make the most of it as these 3 spheres are energising you to be seen and heard. It becomes an even better month when your ruler Jupiter moves forward from months of retrograde on the 23rd. This restores the lucky energies of this great planet in your favour. Have a great November Sagittarius!
Dear Capricorn welcome to your November Horoscope! A month that screams out the question, ‘who are your best and most sincere friends?’ Then, you could go forward to clear away those that don’t fall into that category. The energy of friendships could be strong as you have a powerhouse of 3 spheres in this house. Namely, the almighty Sun, the creative happy chatterbox Mercury and the Goddess of Love & Money Venus, are all travelling through this house. This turns you to look toward collaborating efforts with those who are close friends or those you trust. Then, your mind and thoughts may become more internalised when Venus moves onward on the 16th, Mercury follows hot on her tail on the 17th and the Sun joins in them, creating a slam dunk on the 22nd. All 3 spheres, power up your need to close off the outside world and turn your attention inwards to analyse your hidden mind. Others may find some ‘skeletons in the cupboard,’ or create some more secrets. Otherwise there’s a revelation of something that was hidden in some way. A month that draws in friends or associations, somehow working it out with them, to then, getting a bit of quiet time towards the latter part of the month. Have a significant November Capricorn!
Dear Aquarius welcome to your November Horoscope! Want to boost that career? Maybe you need to take that ambition out of your thoughts and get it manifested in reality! This is through a powerhouse of 3 planets, the almighty Sun, the creative chatterbox Mercury and the Goddess of Love & Money Venus, are all travelling through this house. This brings you a super boost to your reputation, hopes and ambitions and your good name. Others could simply gain a big pat on the back for a job well done in some way. Then, your attention is taken to your closest friendships as Venus moves onward on the 16th, then Mercury is hot on her tail on the 17th and the Sun joins in the party on the 22nd. All 3 spheres, power up your need to be around friends or collaborate with others in some beneficial way. It could also be a time where evaluate the friends who are true to you, as opposed to the fake ones that need to be binned. Have a great November Aquarius!
Dear Pisces welcome to your November Horoscope! Ahhh, ditch the hum-drum and the boring bits of life and bring on some excitement! This is a possible outcome of the powerhouse of 3 planets uplifting areas of mental/spiritual journeys, taking on higher learning or you need a more scenic way forward. This is created by the almighty Sun, the creative & happy chatterbox Mercury and the Goddess of Love & Money Venus, are all travelling through this house. Then Venus moves onward on the 16th, then Mercury is hot on her tail on the 17th and the Sun joins them creating a slam dunk on the 22nd. All 3 spheres then power up areas of your career, ambitions or could raise your reputation in great ways. This is also the area that governs the fulfilment of hopes, raising happiness and receiving recognition. Finally, Jupiter has been in reverse gear in your sign for many months, but on the 23rd there’s a rejuvenation of his luck and success as Jupiter finally goes forward. Harmony, happiness and life expansion for you and us all, start to shift once again. Have a great November Pisces!
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