Dear friends,
My May horoscopes somewhat reflect the restrictions placed on many of us and should be read under the umbrella of us all being under lockdown.
Importantly we have 4 planets starting their reverse gear, ie; retrograde, and next month that number becomes 5. With any retrograde I encourage everyone putting a hold on the areas governed by that planet, as well as, holding back on the areas of the house that the retrograding planet is travelling through. However due to the number of planets retrograding starting from mid-May we have a much greater need to step back, put on hold, and step back from any major plans, new starts and new beginnings. Basically as we’ve been advised by the authorities to do all this anyway, and now the planets will be echoing this message too.
We have a powerful Full Moon in Scorpio on the 7th. This is likely to bring reactions from emotions, feelings and dreams as Full Moon provokes deep reaching Scorpio energy. And then we have a New Moon in Gemini on the 22nd.
I’m delayed with my You Tube video for May but will be with you shortly, my apologies.
If you need some guidance in these difficult times you can always book a reading with me here >
Or for further information you can always email us on – [email protected]
In the mean time please take good care of yourself, your loved ones, stay safe & well.
Enjoy your May 2020 horoscopes below.
Sky x
Dear Airies this months horoscopes must be received under the umbrella of the confinement that we’re all facing. And for you Airies, this will be fairly challenging as you’re built on a foundation of driving life with action, rather than the restriction we’ve been placed under. On a different note, the almighty Sun is travelling with Mercury and Uranus, and all three are in your 2nd house of money, wealth and security. Even in the current climate, this may bring hidden opportunities for now or the future, to attract increases in incomes & wealth somehow. Meanwhile Venus the Goddess of Love & Money has been blessing your 3rd house of communication and Mercury also moves in to join her on the 11th allowing your words to be received well. However be mindful that Venus starts her reverse gear ie; retrograde on the 13th and from then on I would encourage careful handling of all your areas of money, relationships and your communications within these sectors.
Dear Taurus this month’s horoscopes must be received under the umbrella of the confinement that the majority of us are placed under. And you Taurus, the lover of creature comforts, good foods and the home, you could find that you adapt fairly quickly despite the difficulties we face. On a different note, there’s good news, as May starts with your ruling planet Venus the Goddess of Love & Money in her best position of being in the house she rules, which is your 2nd house of money, wealth & self worth. This means that you have the ability to attract increases in money and wealth even faced with existing circumstances. However the important news for you and all us too, is that Venus starts a retrograde from the 13th, Jupiter retrogrades on the 14th with Saturn retrograding on the 11th. This means that it’s imperative that you put a hold on all major life changes, take extra care with your relationships, investments and all monetary concerns.
Dear Gemini, this month’s horoscopes must be received under the umbrella of the confinement that the majority of us are placed in. Despite that, you’re in the positive receipt of the positive power of Venus, the Goddess of Love & Money, as she’s travelling through your sign. This brings you a magnetism for attention, gain better incomes, favour, respect and recognition in any or all areas of life. However Gems, be mindful that Venus starts her reverse gear or retrograde from the 13th. From then on, Venus moves backwards in your sign all month. This has the possibilities of bringing people from the past back in, relationships could have the odd twist or some challenging moments, or you could just feel at odds with yourself. Overall I’d advise you to keep an eye on your incomes, spending and avoid all investing until she goes forward. Your ruler Mercury enters your sign on the 11th, then the almighty Sun enters on the 20th, all that with the refreshing New Moon in your sign on the 22nd brings a positive vibration into your life, which has the the ability to propel you forward.
Dear Cancerians this months horoscopes must be received by you under the umbrella of the confinement that the majority of us are placed in. Mighty Jupiter is a wonderful planet favourable to Cancerians and it’s a planets that also governs the home, commitments, marriage and monetary matters. In May he’s travelling through you personal house of marriage, commitment and contracts, uplifting these areas. However after the 14th please take care with all these, as Jupiter starts his reverse gear ie; retrograde. This, along with Venus the Goddess of Love, retrograding from the 13th and Saturn retrograding from the 11th means that you should take care with all matters of relationships, money, incomes, investments and ambitions. Steer clear of any new projects especially those that involve investment, keep an eye on spending, hold back on chasing your ambitions and wait all until they go forward in the following months. This makes May a month to do what we’ve all been asked to do, step back from all major life changes and relax.
Dear Leo this months horoscopes must be received under the umbrella of the confinement that’s the majority of us are placed in. Despite these restrictions, for some of you, the planetary placements mean that there may still be opportunities popping up for career, work and ambitions to be pushed forward. This is all through 3 major planetary forces, the almighty Sun, speedy Mercury and unconventional Uranus, all travelling through your house of career. Important news, as 3 other major planets start retrograding in the middle of May. Venus who governs love, friendships, money & wealth, Jupiter governing marriage, ambitions, money, & success and Saturn governing property & obstacles, all start their reverse gear meaning that all major plans and new beginnings should be put on hold for the next few months. Avoid starting anything new and be mindful of your spending. However you’re being helped to do this anyway with all the restrictions placed upon us all, making it an ideal time to delay everything and relax.
Dear Virgo this months horoscopes must be received under the umbrella of the confinement that the majority of us are placed in. For you personally, 3 major houses of love, career and work are affected this May. Firstly Venus governing relationships, friendships, money & wealth is travelling through your 10th house of career, ambitions & recognition and she’s doing all good things for your career & money areas. But from the 13th she goes into reverse motion of retrograding. Then mighty Saturn governing overall success, obstacles & restrictions is amplifying attributes of your 6th house of everyday work (not career) along side health & wellbeing and here again Saturn starts his retrograde from the 15th. Additionally Jupiter who governs success, wealth, marriage & ambitions will be uplifting areas of romance, friendships, social activities but again Jupiter also starts a retrograde on the 14th. So overall May starts well, but from mid month as these 3 players go into reverse gear, I would urge you to do as we’re advised, relax, step back & hold back with everything.
Dear Libra this months horoscopes must be received under the umbrella of the confinement that the majority of us are placed in. As many of you will be spending time at home, I had a look at your 4th house of the home, family & roots of life. This has almighty Jupiter governing success, money & expansion amplifying these areas for you. However from the 14th Jupiter starts his retrograde and I would urge you to take care with matters of your home & family. Additionally humongous Saturn creates restrictions and challenges the areas of your romantic, fun & social sectors. But from the 14th Saturn starts a retrograde, easing these restrictions, but still I caution you to take care in these areas. Also a time to take care with relationships, money & wealth areas as Venus governing these areas starts her retrograde from the 13th. From mid month onwards I would say that the planets are underlining the need for us to step back, avoid new beginnings, decline all major life-changes, don’t react instead wait and relax.
Dear Scorpio this months horoscopes must be taken under the umbrella of the confinement that the majority of us are placed in. And linked to this is your personal house of the home, family & the roots of life which has a major planet travelling through it, namely Saturn. However from the 14th Saturn starts his reverse gear till September and I would say it’s a time to take care when dealing with these areas of your life. Secondly, mighty Jupiter who expands life with success, positivity & wealth, is injecting his energy of all good things as he travels through your 3rd house of communications, short trips & social connections. However from the 14th Jupiter is in retrograde. From then I would advise you to take care with all communications, social media & relationship connections. Thirdly Venus the Goddess of Love & Money is in your house of intimacy & shared money as she’s working her magic expanding these areas. But from the 13th please take care with these areas also as Venus starts her retrograde. With all this reverse-gear energy from mid-month, I urge you to do as we’re advised, step back even more from major areas of life and just relax.
Dear Sagittarius this month’s horoscopes must be received under the umbrella of the confinement that the majority of us are placed in. Now there’s a major alert for all Saggies! Your ruler, mighty Jupiter, is expanding areas of your second house of money, wealth and financial success, which a great transit for you, but only up to the 14th. From then onward Jupiter starts a retrograde that goes on till September. This will be time to hold back with all unnecessary spending, all investing and put a hold on all major projects of any type. Another major planet governing money, wealth as well as love & relationships is Venus and she’s uplifting and bringing success to aspects of your 7th house of relationships, but again, from the 13th she starts a retrograde. Thirdly Saturn starts the month, expanding communications of all types for you. But again he also starts a retrograde from the 15th urging to be cautious with this area as well. So from mid month there’s a strong urgency for you & us all, to do as we’re advised, step back, don’t start anything major and relax.
Dear Capricorn this months horoscopes must be received under the umbrella of the confinement that the majority of us are placed in. Actually the need for retreat and putting a hold on all major life changes is encouraged even more so because of May’s planetary placements in your sign. These are as follows, your ruler, wise old Saturn starts his retrograde from the 11th in your 2nd house of money, incomes & wealth. Deep dark Pluto is already retrograding in your sign, and is joined with Jupiter retrograding from the 14th also in your sign. Venus the Goddess of Love & Money is in the 6th house your daily work, routines, health & wellbeing but she also starts a retrograde from the 13th. Retrogrades are time to step back, put a hold on all major starts and new beginnings, particularly in all areas the planet & the house its travelling through governs. In particular I strongly advise you to hold back in all matters of unnecessary spending, investing, avoid initiating all new beginnings and new projects. A time to plan ahead, see to to the day-to-day aspect, but don’t initiate any major life changes. Basically take the advise we’ve all be given, retreat and relax.
Dear Aquarius this months horoscopes must be taken under the umbrella of the confinement that the majority of us are placed under. The need for retreat or holding back on all major life changes is encouraged even more so because of May’s planetary retrogrades. Firstly, wise old Saturn starts his retrograde in your sign from the 11th. Then Venus governing money, wealth & incomes, starts a retrograde on the 13th. Mighty Jupiter governing success, expansion of ambitions, money & marriage, starts a retrograde on the 14th. And deep dark Pluto was already in retrograde as we entered May. Basically a retrograde throws a ‘spanner in the works’ of the positive characteristics of that particular planet. I would say, that you must take care to avoid all overspending, investments, avoid starting new projects So this month there’s an underlining of a need to step back, delay new starts and put a hold on all major life changes. A month to see to the day-to-day aspects of life but don’t initiate any major new life changes as they are likely to become problematic somehow. Basically do what we’ve been ask too do, step back and relax.
Dear Pisces this months horoscopes must be taken under the umbrella of the confinement that the majority of us are placed in. This is emphasized more so as there’s quite a few planets in reverse gear ie; retrograde. Firstly wise old Saturn starts his retrograde on the 11th creating challenges. Then the Goddess of Love & Money starts a retrograde in your 4th house of the home, family and the roots of life. Therefore avoid confrontations that could cause relationship issues with in your family environment. Then we have mighty Jupiter retrograding from the 14th delaying success generally, ambitions, goals & ambitions and the positive expansion of life. Any planetary retrograde has the capacity to throw a spanner in the works with the characteristics that the planet governs, as well as the of the house the planet is travelling through. With so many retrogrades occurring this month, it underlines the advice we’ve been given, to step back and put a hold on any major life changes. Negotiate to handle your day-today life, make plans for the future, but avoid starting anything that you want success with, as retrogrades bring challenges.
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