Dear friends,

Well here we are, July is upon us with the almighty Sun travelling through Cancer and then moving into Leo on the 22nd. Although society may be experiencing a little freedom like ‘cracking free from the cement holding us place,’ the planets are saying, ‘gently gently is the way forward, apply it with ample hesitation, forethought and care. This is because Mercury is still retrograding till the 12th, with Jupiter Saturn, Pluto and Neptune continuing their reverse gear for some months to come.

We have the tranformative power of a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn on the 5th and a New Moon in Cancer on the 20th.

A horoscope can give you an outline of the month ahead but not the details that come from a chat with a good psychic-astrologer. No two people or their their lives, are ever the same, so if you would like some guidance that’s specific to you or for someone else around you, or about how things will progress with in any area, please book in with me for a chat. Having a open one-to-one conversation where you can ask anything you want, whether about your astrology or psychically led by myself, could bring eye-opening knowledge for you.
Here are the one-to-one readings you can book:

If there are any questions please email my admin on [email protected]

You can join me on the live show on sky channel 680, and although in the past I’ve usually been on appearing in person on the show, all that’s been changed in response to the coronavirus lockdown, so instead I’ll be logged into the show from my sacred private space. You can watch the show on sky TV or online, or get involved by ringing in or texting the show with questions. I’ll be back in the studio as soon as it’s safe to do so.

I will be on the show working from my office on from 3pm to 10pm on these dates: Monday 13th. Tuesday 14th, Saturday 18th, Monday 20th, Saturday 25th, Tuesday 28th. 

In the meantime enjoy your horoscopes below and I wish you a fantastic July.

Sky x

Dear Airies July is a great month for you as your ruler mighty Mars is in your sign firing you up with his positive ‘go-get’ energy. You may well be driven with a passion to get something started, re-started, or be fired up to think up new plans that move you onwards and upwards. This energy brings upliftment and positivity to your mind and existence, so make good use of it I say! The almighty Sun is walking hand in hand with the communication planet Mercury, both are energising and uplifting areas of your home, family or that brings you security in life. However be mindful of communication problems or issues could arise in these areas, as Mercury is in retrograde till next month. These are usually minor ‘spanners in the works’ but can be dealt with quite easily through giving your full attention to your dealings with others. Lastly, please be mindful of the extra pow-wow energy pushing and amplifying emotions, thoughts and feelings, all coming from the Full Moon on the 5th as there’s a Lunar Eclipse with it.



Dear Taurus July has your ruling planet the Goddess of Love & Money Venus, travelling through the your house that she rules, which is the 2nd house of money, wealth and financial success. This makes it an auspicious time to think carefully about how you can improve or increase abundance in your life and what actions you can take in order to fulfil this. All the while, the almighty Sun and the communication planet Mercury are both uplifting and enhancing your personal areas of thinking, speaking, writing, quick communications with everyone and your connections with siblings. However be mindful of how you deal with people with in these areas, because although Mercury rules this house, his energy is dampened or reversed as Mercury is in retrograde till the 12th. Mercury in reverse  gear just needs a little care with communications and dealings with people otherwise July is brings positive changes. Lastly please be mindful of the extra pow-wow energy pushing and amplifying emotions, thoughts and feelings, all coming from the Full Moon on the 5th as there’s a Lunar Eclipse with it.



Dear Gemini, July is an action packed month for you on a planetary level as you have Venus the Goddess of Love and Money shining her light on you as she travels through your sign. Venus is showering you with appeal, magnetism and favour from people around you. This would be a great time to ask for what you want or indeed go after what you desire whether it’s relationship or monetary based. However bare in mind your ruling planet Mercury is in retrograde, as in reverse gear, and this has two important areas that affect you. Firstly, as he’s your ruler, you definitely have to take care in all areas that Mercury governs, such as communication, travel, thinking, being logical, writing, even body language is your own personal communication as all this could be misunderstood. Secondly Mercury is in retrograde in your 2nd house of money, wealth and self worth, so please take care with your expenditures, spending and savings. However from the 12th Mercury is direct and these areas are positively fired up after that date. Lastly please be mindful of the extra pow-wow energy pushing and amplifying emotions, thoughts and feelings, all coming from the Full Moon on the 5th as there’s a Lunar Eclipse with it.



Dear Cancerians July has very important planetary considerations that you need to take into account. Firstly Mercury the planet of positive thinking, business, travel, all types of communication, speaking, being understood and even body language, is in retrograde in your sign till the 12th. I would urge you to take care with these areas and avoid starting any new projects till well after the 12th. So after the 12th Mercury is playing well for you to achieve your personal goals, to continue to be well received and understood positively. Secondly the almighty Sun is uplifting you and your goals as it moves through your sign, making it a positive time to set out and go after your agenda’s and ambitions. As the Moon is your ruler you are directly affected by the Full Lunar Eclipse which in you opposite sign of Capricorn, as well as an uplifting New Moon in your sign on the 20th. These are energies that have the ability to bring subtle transformations for success and life changes.



Dear Leo July has the almighty Sun entering your sign on the 22nd shining it’s positivity on your life, goals and ambitions. This would be the time to forge ways to gain success personal to you. I mentioned last month, you have 3 major planetary players, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto, all in retrograde in areas of your daily life, every day work/activities, health and wellbeing. Simply put, care and attention is needed to keep everything ticking over positively in these sectors of everyday living. Watch out for making mistakes or slip ups that would later cause regret, all due to retrograding planets who create ‘spanners in the works.’ However this can be avoided with a little care on your part. Lastly I wish to mention the planet of communication and travel Mercury being in retrograde in your 12th house of the hidden, secrets, lies, enemies or those who oppose you. Watchout for issues in these areas, but remember they’re usually minor irritations which iron themselves out as Mercury moves forward on the 12th. Lastly please be mindful of the extra pow-wow energy pushing and amplifying emotions, thoughts and feelings, all coming from the Full Moon on the 5th as there’s a Lunar Eclipse with it.



Dear Virgo July starts with your ruling planet Mercury in retrograde till the 12th bringing up two major points for you to note. Firstly Mercury is your ruler and his reverse-gear energy can lead to different types of ‘mind fog,’ losses of concentration or making minor mistakes. Secondly Mercury is in your 11th house affecting your friendships, social connections, networking and humanitarian pursuits. So in these areas the retrograde energies could lead to issues, misunderstandings via communications, writing or even giving off the wrong body language. These are usually minor ‘spanners in the works’ and iron themselves out once Mercury is direct after the 12th. A great positive for you is the Goddess of Love and Money uplifting areas of your career, reputation and social position. Now is the time to gain credit or positive responses from superiors or from those around you, Venus can bring you recognition and respect for the work you’ve put into something. Please be mindful of the extra pow-wow energy pushing and amplifying emotions, thoughts and feelings, all coming from the Full Moon on the 5th as there’s a Lunar Eclipse with it.



Dear Libra July has a few retrogrades affecting key areas of your life and every retrograde can dampen or reverse the positive effects of the planet. The retrograde planets are Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto, all reversing in areas of your home, family and that which brings you a connection to the roots of your life, your feelings of ‘home sweet home,’ security or the cocoon that’s around your life. These planets remain in retrograde for a few months to come. The almighty Sun along with Mercury is in your 10th house of career, reputation, respect and/or gaining recognition for something you’ve put some work into. However Mercury is in also reverse gear which usually unsettles the balance or throws a few ‘spanners in the works’ such as miscommunications and misunderstandings easily made through the reverse energies of Mercury. However Mercury is direct from the 12th and shortly after there’s balance and harmony in your career & reputation area. Please be mindful of the extra pow-wow energy pushing and amplifying emotions, thoughts and feelings, all coming from the Full Moon on the 5th as there’s a Lunar Eclipse with it.



Dear Scorpio July shows an astrological firing up of sectors of your daily work (not career,) everyday routines, health, fitness and wellbeing. This is all through fiery Mars travelling through this house. You may well feel driven to throw yourself into one or more of these areas, for example; creating a new routine for your day, or a new regime for your fitness. 3 major players Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are all in reverse gear in areas of your 3rd house of communication, writing, speaking, quick connections with people around you and your siblings. All the while Mercury who governs this house, is also retrograding till the 12th thus creating a double whammy of ‘spanners in the works, of communication, travel and balanced thinking. Problematic outcomes can be avoided by taking care with your words, travels and life in general. Avoid starting any brand new projects or making major or life-changing decisions until well after Mercury goes forward after the 12th. Lastly, be mindful of the extra pow-wow energy that’ll be pushing emotions, thoughts and feelings, all from the to the Full Moon on the 5th as there’s a Lunar Eclipse with it.



Dear Sagittarius July has your ruler Jupiter in retrograde and remains so till September. This has 2 important meanings for you, firstly being your ruler you may feel that your decision-making or logic is slightly off balance, nothing major to worry about but care is needed. Secondly Jupiter is a planet that normally expands, uplifts and increases success, but in retrograde it may well do the opposite. So as it’s in reverse gear in your 2nd house on money, wealth and financial success, I would advise you to take care with spending, expenses, avoid any investments and unnecessary expenditure until Jupiter is direct in September. All the while the almighty Sun and Mercury are travelling together through your house of jointly held finances and your intimate connections, however Mercury is also in retrograde till the 12th. This requires you to take care with all your communications or dealings within these sectors and avoid starting anything brand new until well after Mercury goes direct on the 12th. Lastly, be mindful of the extra pow-wow energy that will be pushing emotions, thoughts and feelings, all from the to the Full Moon on the 5th as there’s a Lunar Eclipse with it.



Dear Capricorn July is a month to check and check again on the finer details of anything important you’re dealing with or wishing to pursue. This is due to the fact that your ruler Saturn is hand in hand with Jupiter and Pluto, and all 3 are retrograding in your sign so possibly throwing a few ‘spanners in the works.’ You have the transformative power of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse also in your sign on the 5th where I urge you to keep a reign on those random emotions and feelings. On top of that the almighty Sun, alongside the communication planet Mercury, is walking through your house of relationships, marriage, contracts and your dealings with your outer world. This uplifts, attracts and draws success to you in relationships and connections with others. Although this is positive for your existence, care and attention is needed on your part as Mercury is retrograding till the 12th. Double check your words before saying something, watch how you’re projecting yourself, watch for thoughts and ideas becoming entangled and confusing. Mercury simply throws a ‘spanner in the works’ but if you’re aware and taking care, issues can be avoided. Harmony is restored after the 12th as Mercury starts to go forward.



Dear Aquarius July has the almighty Sun, along with the communication planet Mercury uplifting and energising your daily work, everyday routines, your health and wellbeing. You may well be driven to change, amend or throw yourself into one or more of these areas. However be aware that Mercury is retrograding till the 12th, possibly creating a little drama, miscommunications or confusion. All that’s needed is your care and attention with all areas of your life, as harmony is restored a little after mercury goes direct. On a positive note, the Goddess of Love & Money, Venus, is in her home of your 5th house. This showers you with magnetism to attract flirtations, romantic endeavours, fun, and enjoyment of time with others. As it’s her home, this brings you advantages of her showering you with great energies making it a time to gain favour from others with little effort. Please be mindful of the extra pow-wow energy pushing and amplifying emotions, thoughts and feelings, all coming from the Full Moon on the 5th as there’s a Lunar Eclipse with it.



Dear Pisces July has your ruling planet Neptune in retrograde for quite a few months to come. This may create a little imbalance in the harmony of life but is generally manageable. The almighty Sun is in tandem with the communication planet Mercury, both are energising and uplifting areas of romance, lovers, flirtations, fun and enjoyment of life. However be mindful that Mercury is also retrograding, making it a time to take care to avoid miscommunications, issues with travel plans, timekeeping, methods of travel and watchout for minor mistakes that can be avoided. Mercury moves direct from the 12th allowing energies to balance out shortly after that. On a positive note Venus the Goddess of Love & Money is enhancing areas associated with the home, family and that which forms the roots of your life. This may push you to spend time with family, or make positive changes to your home. Lastly, be mindful of the extra pow-wow energy that will be pushing emotions, thoughts and feelings, all coming from the Full Moon on the 5th as there’s a Lunar Eclipse with it.