Dear Friends,
Happy New Year 2021 to you all. And yes we definitely have change filtering in from the planetary placements and connections. This is particularly so through out the year, partially coming from Jupiter (planet of expansion and luck) and Saturn (planet of order, tradition and restriction) both travelling through unconventional Aquarius.
For more on this please have a look at my video on You Tube for Astro-Update for the Year Ahead 2021 and my January 2021 Astro-Update. Links as below:
Astro-Update for the Year Ahead 2021 >
For the month of January 2021 >
So there’s a Capricorn New Moon on the 13th from which expansion energies are working to attract good things to you. This leads us all the way to the Leo Full Moon on the 28th.
If you wish to book a private one-to-one telephone session with me, where you can discuss anything you want, please book here >
Or for more information please email us on > [email protected]
If you would like to catch me on the show for Psychic Today these are the fixed dates I’m working on the show, should you wish to call in and have a reading with me. These dates are as follows from 3pm to 10pm > Wed 6th / Sat 9th / Tues 12th /Sat 16th / Tues 19th / Thurs 21st / Tues 26th / Thurs 28th
So I bid you New Year blessings, happiness, laughter and good health for your year ahead, 2021. Enjoy you horoscopes below.
Much love & blessings to you all.
Sky x
Dear Airies Happy New Year to you and welcome January 2021! Do you have some plans to achieve a few goals this year? Well, then you’ve got a fantastic start, as the success of the Sun is alongside mighty Mercury for you. This starts the year off with a bang by bringing their power to uplift areas of your career, ambitions, and/or your personal hopes for success. Mercury is working hard here to increase your resourcefulness, ideas, communications, creativity, swift thought-processes and better communications. The same applies when Mercury moves on & foreword on the 8th entering your friends zone, thereby bringing you friends, group-connections & social associations knocking to your door. Additionally, this zone already holds the pow-wow energy of 2 major planetary heavy-weights Jupiter and Saturn who remain here all year. Both are powerful forces in bringing changes, conflict, success and challenges to all these mentioned areas. The result is, inevitable breakthroughs eventually following and even more so after the 19th as the Sun also moves into this area. Some fantastic news, as a New Moon on the 13th is occurring in your 10th house of career, surging this area with positive renewal power, uplifting your existing connections, possibly bringing in the new from career, wishes and ambitions. Finally please make note of the major planetary alert of Mercury starting a retrograde from the 30th January to 21st February in your friendships, social efforts and joint-associations. This is a time to take care with all types of communications with friends, associations, travel plans and thought processes. Avoid starting anything major or brand new, as retrogrades usually yield unwanted results much later. Dear Airies I wish you an amazing 2021!
Dear Taurus Happy New Year to you and welcome January 2021! The year starts off with the shining Sun, working alongside mighty Mercury, bringing their power to uplift areas of both mental & physical journeys, change of environments, maybe a delving into your deeper spiritual nature, as one or more of these are brought to you in some way. Mercury is working hard to increase your resourcefulness, ideas, communications, creativity, swift thought-processes and better communications. The same applies when Mercury moves foreword on the 8th to uplift areas of your career, future hopes, desires and ambitions zone. Additionally, this sector already holds the pow-wow energy of 2 major planetary heavy-weights Jupiter and Saturn, who remain here all year. Both are powerful forces in bringing changes, conflict, success and challenges to all these areas. However as a result, inevitable success & breakthroughs will eventually follow, but even more so after the 19th as the Sun also moves into this area. Some fantastic news, as a New Moon on the 13th is occurring in your 9th house bringing positive renewal power, uplifting your existing surroundings, taking you on spiritual & mental journeys, or in some way you may seek answers to the unknown. Finally, please make note of the major planetary alert, Mercury starts a retrograde in your 10th house of career & ambitions from the 30th January to 21st February. Time to take care with all communications, travel plans and watch your thought processes, particularly in these areas. Avoid starting anything major or new, as retrogrades usually yield unwanted results much later. Dear Taureans I wish you an amazing 2021!
Dear Gemini, Happy New Year to you and welcome to January 2021! The year starts off with the shining Sun, along with mighty Mercury joining forces to power up areas of your intimacy, privacy, sexual relations and shared finances, as one or more of these are brought to you in some way. Mercury is working hard here to increase your resourcefulness, ideas, communications, creativity, swift thought-processes and energise better communications. The same applies when Mercury moves on & foreword on the 8th expanding your sphere of study, changes of scenery, or taking you on physical & mental journeys. Additionally, this zone already holds the pow-wow energy of 2 major planetary heavy-weights, Jupiter and Saturn who remain here all year. Both are powerful forces to bring change, conflict, success and challenges to all these mentioned areas. However as a result, inevitable success & breakthroughs eventually follow. This is even more so after the 19th when the Sun also moves into this area. Some fantastic news, as a New Moon on the 13th is occurring in your 8th house bringing positive renewal power, uplifting your personal and private connections. Finally please make note of the major planetary alert, your ruler Mercury starts a retrograde from the 30th January to 21st February in areas of learning, changes of scenery and the unknown. Time to take care with all types of communications with all associations, travel plans and watch spiralling thought processes, avoid starting anything major and new as retrogrades usually yields unwanted results much later. Dear Gems I wish you an amazing 2021!
Dear Cancerians, Happy New Year to you and welcome to January 2021! The year starts off as the shining Sun joins forces with mighty Mercury to power up areas of your partnerships, marriage, contracts, general-relationships and your outer world as one or more of these areas are brought to your attention in some way. Mercury is working hard here to increase your resourcefulness, ideas, communications, creativity, swift thought-processes and better communications. This also applies when Mercury moves on & foreword on the 8th entering areas of intimacy, sex, secrets and shared-finances. Additionally, this zone already holds the pow-wow energy of 2 major planetary heavy-weights Jupiter and Saturn who remain here all year. Both are powerful forces in bringing changes, conflict, success and challenges to all these mentioned areas. However the result always brings inevitable breakthroughs and success to follow through. And this is even more so after the 19th as the Sun also moves into this area. Some fantastic news, as the New Moon on the13th is occurring in your 7th house, so bringing positive renewal power yo uplift your existing energies in partnerships, contracts and marriage areas. Finally please make note of the major planetary alert of Mercury starting a retrograde from the 30th January to 21st February. This is a time to put a hold on starting anything new, but particularly in commitments, partnerships, areas of intimacy or shared money as retrograde yield unwanted results at a later date. Dear Cancerians I wish you an amazing 2021!
Dear Leo, Happy New Year to you and welcome to January 2021! The year starts off with the almighty Sun your ruler, working with mighty Mercury, both powering up areas of your daily work, routines, connections with co-workers, analysing the details and/or general health & wellbeing, as one or more of these areas are brought to you in some way. Mercury is working hard here to increase your resourcefulness, ideas, communications, creativity, swift thought-processes and better communications. The same applies when Mercury moves on & foreword on the 8th to enter areas of your partnerships, contracts, marriage and general-relationships or your outer world. Additionally, this zone already holds the pow-wow energy of 2 major planetary heavy-weights, Jupiter and Saturn who remain here all year. Both are powerful forces in bringing changes, conflict, success and challenges to all these mentioned areas. However the result is inevitable success & breakthroughs eventually following. This is even more so after the 19th as the Sun also moves into this area. Some fantastic news, as a New Moon on the 13th is occurring in your 6th house of your daily sphere of life bringing positive renewal power, uplifting your existing energies in areas of daily work and everyday life. Importantly there’s a Full Moon in your sign itself on the 28th, a time to keep emotions in check. Finally please make note of the major planetary alert, as Mercury starts a retrograde from the 30th January to 21st February in your 7th house of marriage and partnership. This marks a time to take care with all types of communications in all associations, travel plans and thought processes. Time to put a hold on starting anything new, but particularly in areas your partnerships, as retrogrades usually yield unwanted results later. Dear Leo’s I wish you an amazing 2021!
Dear Virgo, Happy New Year to you and welcome to January 2021! The year starts off with the shining Sun, working alongside mighty Mercury, both are powering up areas of romance, flirtations, fun, socializing and socializing zones, as one or more of these are brought to you in some way. Mercury is working hard here to increase your resourcefulness, ideas, swift thought-processes. The same applies when he moves on & forward on the 8th to open up creativity and better communications into areas of your daily work, routines, work relationships, health and wellbeing areas. Additionally, this zone already holds the pow-wow energy of 2 major planetary heavy-weights who remain here all year, namely Jupiter and Saturn. Both are bringing change, conflict, success and challenges to all these mentioned areas. However the result, brings you inevitable success & breakthroughs eventually following. This is even more so after the Sun also moves in after the 19th. Some fantastic news, as a New Moon on the 13th is occurring in your 5th house of romance and fun, bringing its positive renewal power, uplifting your flirtatious and fun areas. Finally please make note of a major planetary alert as Mercury starts a retrograde from the 30th January to 21st February. This marks a time to take care and pay attention to all your communications in all associations, travel plans, wrong assumptions & spiralling thought processes. Time to put a hold on starting anything new, but particularly in areas of your relationships in work, daily life, also keep an eye on your wellbeing as retrogrades usually yield unwanted results. Dear Virgoans I wish you an amazing 2021!
Dear Libra, Happy New Year to you and welcome January 2021! The year starts off with the awesome vibration of the Sun, working alongside mighty Mercury. Both are powering up areas of your family, children, house/home/roots, your creature comforts and your feeling of security, as some of these are brought to you in some way. Mercury is working hard here to increase your resourcefulness, ideas, creativity, swift thought-processes and better communications. The same applies when Mercury moves on & foreword on the 8th to energize areas of romance, flirtations, fun, frolics, social and entertainment areas. Additionally, this zone already holds the pow-wow energy of 2 major planetary heavy-weights Jupiter and Saturn who remain here all year. Both are powerful forces in bringing changes, conflict, success and challenges to all these mentioned areas. However the inevitable result of this combo is success & breakthroughs eventually follow through. This is even more so after the Sun also moves in here on the 19th. Some fantastic news, as a New Moon on the 13th is occurring in your 4th house bringing positive renewal power and uplifting house, home, family and security. Finally, please make note of a major planetary alert as Mercury starts a retrograde from the 30th January to 21st February in your 5th house of romance, fun & flirtation. This marks a time to take care and pay attention to your communications in all associations, travel plans, watch wrongful assumptions & spiralling thought processes. Time to put a hold on starting anything new, but particularly in areas of your relationships and social connections as retrogrades usually yield unwanted results later. Dear Librans I wish you an amazing 2021!
Dear Scorpio Happy New Year to you and welcome to January 2021! The year starts off with the awesome vibration of the Sun, working alongside mighty Mercury both working together to light up your social sphere, studies, intellectual pursuits, short trips, quick chats & light-hearted communications as some of these are brought to you in some way. Mercury is working hard here to increase your resourcefulness, ideas, communications, creativity, swift thought-processes and better communications. The same applies when Mercury moves foreword on the 8th entering areas of your house, home, family, father figures, creature-comforts and/or your areas of security or belonging. Additionally, this zone already holds the pow-wow energy of 2 major planetary heavy-weights Jupiter and Saturn who remain here all year. Both are powerful forces in bringing changes, conflict, success and challenges to all these mentioned areas. However the inevitable result of this combo brings success & breakthrough eventually following. This is even more so after the Sun also moves in here on the 19th. Some fantastic news, as a New Moon on the 13th is occurring in your 3rd house of communication, bringing positive renewal power and uplifting your existing relationships and their communications. Finally, please make note of a major planetary alert as Mercury starts a retrograde from the 30th January to 21st February in your 4th house of family and home. This marks a time to take care and pay attention to your communications in all associations, travel plans, watch making wrongful assumptions & spiralling thought processes. Time to put a hold on starting anything new, but particularly in areas home & family relationships, as retrogrades usually yield unwanted results afterwards. Dear Scorpios I wish you an amazing 2021!
Dear Sagittarius Happy New Year to you and welcome January 2021! The year starts off with the awesome vibration of the Sun, working alongside mighty Mercury as both are working together to bring abundance to areas of money, incomes, financial areas, material success or possessions as some of these are brought to you in some way. Mercury is working hard here to increase your resourcefulness, ideas, communications, creativity, swift thought-processes and better communications. The same applies when Mercury moves on & foreword on the 8th entering areas of your learning, intellectual pursuits, short/quick trips, quick chats or light-hearted connections. Additionally, this zone already holds the pow-wow energy of 2 major planetary heavy-weights Jupiter and Saturn who remain here all year. Both are powerful forces in bringing changes, conflict, success and challenges to all these mentioned areas. However the inevitable result of this combo is that success and breakthroughs eventually follow. This is even more so after the Sun also moves in here on the 19th. Some fantastic news, as a New Moon on the 13th is occurring in your 2nd house of money and finances bringing positive renewal power and uplifting your incomes and finances. Finally, please make note of a major planetary alert as Mercury starts a retrograde 30th January to 21st February in your 3rd house of communication. This marks a time to take care and pay attention to all your communications in all associations, travel plans, watch-out for making wrongful assumptions & spiralling thought processes. Time to put a hold on starting anything new, but particularly in areas of communication, travels and social connections as retrogrades usually yield unwanted results afterwards. Dear Saggies I wish you an amazing 2021!
Dear Capricorn Happy New Year to you and welcome to January 2021! JAs always January is your month as the year starts off with the awesome vibration of the Sun, working with mighty Mercury. Both are bringing a positive energy to how you appear to the world, how you act, your personality, behaviour and all that’s seen by others. Mercury is working hard here to increase your resourcefulness, ideas, communications, creativity, swift thought-processes and better communications. Then the same applies when Mercury moves on & foreword on the 8th entering areas of money, incomes, financial success, material security or possessions. Additionally, this zone already holds the pow-wow energy of 2 major planetary heavy-weights Jupiter and Saturn who remain here all year. Both are powerful forces in bringing changes, conflict, success and challenges to all these mentioned areas. However the inevitable result of this combo brings success & breakthrough eventually following. This is even more so after the Sun also moves in here on the 19th. Some fantastic news, as a New Moon on the 13th is occurring in your sign bringing positive renewal power, uplifting your image and presentation to the world. Finally, please make note of a major planetary alert as Mercury starts a retrograde from the 30th January to 21st February, in your personal areas of money, incomes and financial areas. This marks a time to take care and pay attention to all your communications in all associations, travel plans, watch-out for making wrongful assumptions & spiralling thought processes. Time to put a hold on starting anything new, but particularly in all your money and investment sectors, as retrogrades usually yield unwanted results afterwards. Dear Capricorns I wish you an amazing 2021!
Dear Aquarians Happy New Year to you and welcome to January 2021! The year starts off with the awesome vibration of the Sun, working alongside mighty Mercury as both collaborate to bring the positive to some of what’s hidden in your life, revelations of secrets or lies and/or a need to be in solitude. There could also be the emergence from with in you of some kind of genuine compassion towards something. Mercury is working hard here to increase your resourcefulness, ideas, communications, creativity, swift thought-processes and better communications. The same applies when Mercury moves on & foreword on the 8th then entering areas of your image, how the world sees you, your personality and how you present yourself to the world. Additionally, this zone already holds the pow-wow energy of 2 major planetary heavy-weights Jupiter and Saturn who are bringing revolution to you as they remain in your sign all year. Both are powerful forces in bringing changes, conflict, success and challenges to all these mentioned areas. However the inevitable result of this combo, is positive breakthroughs and change. This is even more so after the Sun also moves in here on the 19th. Some fantastic news, as a New Moon on the 13th is occurring in your 12th house bringing positive power to bring light that which is hidden, where also lies or deceit may be exposed. Finally, please make note of a major planetary alert as Mercury starts a retrograde in your sign from the 30th January to 21st February. This marks a time to take care and pay attention to all your communications in all associations, travel plans, watch-out for making wrongful assumptions & spiralling thought processes. Time to put a hold on starting anything new, but particularly in areas of changes in image and dealings with the world, as retrogrades usually yield unwanted results afterwards. Dear Aquarius I wish you an amazing 2021!
Dear Pisces Happy New Year to you and welcome to January 2021! The year starts off with the awesome vibration of the Sun, working alongside mighty Mercury, both are working together to bring success to your friendships zone, being socially accepted, collective or group efforts and humanitarian areas are highlighted to you in some way. Mercury is working hard here to increase your resourcefulness, ideas, communications, creativity, swift thought-processes and better communications. Then the same applies when Mercury moves on & foreword on the 8th entering your areas of the hidden, secrets, lies, solitude or areas of compassion are brought to you attention. Additionally, this zone already holds the pow-wow energy of 2 major planetary heavy-weights Jupiter and Saturn who remain here all year. Both are powerful forces in bringing changes, conflict, success and challenges to all these mentioned areas. However the inevitable result of this combo, is positive breakthrough. This is is even more so after the Sun also moves in here on the 19th. Some fantastic news, as a New Moon on the 13th is occurring in your 11th house of friends, bringing positive renewal power to areas of friendships, networking and/or group-efforts. Finally, please make note of a major planetary alert as Mercury starts a retrograde from the 30th January to 21st February. This marks a time to take care and pay attention to all your communications in all associations, travel plans, watch-out for making wrongful assumptions & spiralling thought processes. Time to put a hold on starting anything new, just see your the day to day as life, otherwise life may yield unwanted results later. Dear Pisces I wish you an amazing 2021!
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