Dear friends,
Hello to April and welcome all Easter eggs! Yum!
April the month of the Cardinal Fire Signs symbolized by The Ram. This sign is ruled by the fiery red planet Mars, who is the governor of areas of war, fighting, action and anger. In any traditional tarot pack, Aries in shown as the Emperor card.
The Sun is in Aries till the 20th then enters the earth sign of Taurus. Lucky Jupiter the great expander of good things in life, is in Aries also. It’s a good month to reach for success Aries!
Good news for you Aries, lucky Jupiter remains in your sign bringing success, but you’ve got to reach for it!
Ok, so for my cosmic ordering people, please make note that the most powerful manifestation time of the Moon phase is the lead-up to the Full Moon in Libra on the 6th. Then follows a period of a waning Moon, ideally used for clearing and cleansing negativity especially 3 to 7 days before the next New Moon on the 20th in Aries. Please make a note that this New Moon has a change-provoking Solar Eclipse attached to it as well. Eclipses start a process of changes & transformations that could start some weeks before or after the Eclipse.
There’s more in my video on YouTube, so make sure you check out my April 2023 Astro-Update Video, where I’ve referred to the above and a lot more besides. Check it out on YouTube here:
If you want to grab some guidance specific to yourself, why not book a private one-to-one telephone reading with me? Refer to my website to book in with me, here:
You can also book other services such as email readings, text message readings and other services here:
If there are any questions on how to book in, or anything else, please get in touch with my admin team by emailing us at > [email protected]
Or another way to have a chat with me is to catch me on the Psychic Today Show. And in February 2023, I’ll be on the show from 3pm to 10pm on these days – Tuesday 4th, Tuesday 11th & Monday 17th. I’ll also log in randomly at other times if you need me.
Wishing you all a great April and and a wonderful Easter break! Please enjoy you horoscopes below.
Sky x
Dear Aries welcome to your April Horoscope! As it’s always been, April is your month Rams. This is because the almighty Sun travels through your sign shining its light on you. You could be received well, also your personality shines out and you could be drawn into positively changing your image. Overall, the world sees you in an awesome light which could pay you dividends. The Sun moves on from the 20th into your house of money, wealth and finances. Something in your money zones may shine out for your attention. Generally speaking, you could feel the desire to analyse where your money comes from and where it goes. Otherwise you may simply tighten up your spending and continue to keep an eye on it. Make the most of lucky Jupiter being in your sign till May, as he creates success and expansion for your life and ambitions. Make sure you’re striving to achieve something good as Jupiter helps out in a big way. Have a great April Aries!
Dear Taurus welcome to your April Horoscope! The month starts with your ruling planet, Venus the Goddess of Love & Money in your sign till the 11th. This is an awesome energy supporting and carrying you forward. Venus brings you favour, attention and abundance. Even when she moves onwards from the 11th, when she enters a house she has rulership over, your house of money and finances. The mover and shaker of the heavens Mercury, planet of communication and great ideas, enters your sign on the 3rd and will be working together with Venus as both bring successful outcomes. Meanwhile the almighty Sun is highlighting areas of your hidden mind or subconscious. This is for you to analyse these thoughts and then use outcomes to nurture yourself. The Sun then moves on the 20th and enters your sign. This puts a spotlight on you, your world, your personality and all that you present to the world. Mercury in your sign starts a retrograde on the 21st of April and this marks a time to take care with decisions and communications. Avoid making bold new changes in your life, because your plans may be forced to change again when Mercury moves direct on the 15th. Have great month of April Taurus!
Dear Gemini welcome to your April Horoscope! Great start to the month where the accent is on good friendships and awesome connections that can uplift life. If you want them past friends could re-connect with you, as new friends could walk in too. Some Gems may simply be called to join in with a group of great people that lighten the mood. Then the Sun moves onwards from the 20th and mood changes to being more internalized as you’re lead to your deep thoughts. This may open up a time of being solitary every now and again, to indulge in some ‘me-time.’ Great news from the 11th the Goddess of Love & Money showers you with her power as she enters your sign. At this time you’ll be received well, sought after and your personality could appeal to the world around you. Lastly and most importantly, your ruler, mighty mover & shaker of the heavens Mercury, starts a retrograde from the 21st. As he’s your ruler it’s a time to take care with the areas he governs, like your travels, communications and your mind. Mercury in reverse gear can throw a spanner in the works in the form of mistakes that could have been avoided through forethought. Have a great month of April Gemini!
Dear Cancer welcome to your April Horoscope! The almighty Sun pays you dividends in areas of your career, feeds a desire to achieve an ambition or simply, you could get recognition for hard work. Other crabs may have a shine put on their good reputation and good name. The Sun moves on from the 20th and you’re drawn toward your most reliable friends, as past friends could pop up or there’s a chance of new connections depending on your decisions. For others there maybe invites to join a group of people in some way, or join forces as a collective in work areas. This brings better or more fruitful outcomes, as opposed to working alone. Important to keep in mind that Mercury who is the governor of the mind, creative ideas and all forms of communication, starts a retrograde from the 21st. This is a time to double-check all your communications, avoid starting anything brand new and watch for the mind spiralling negatively. All that’s need is some time-out on major decisions as mistakes can happen easily when Mercury reverses. Lastly fiery Mars is gracing your sign all month bring you extra-helpings of energy and desire to get-up & go. Have a great month of April Cancer!
Dear Leo welcome to your April Horoscope! The month starts with a possible need to ditch the hum-drum and take a different route with your life. There could be a new learning curve or research into something that’s important to you. This is through the light of Sun shining its way through this zone. Others of your sign, may take a spiritual route with something that’s takes them on a physical journey or one that creates great ideas in the creative mind. The Sun then moves on the 20th stirring up some positive energies in areas of your career, ambitions or in gaining some kind of personal respect. Roads may open up in your career, you’re fired up to chase a goal or there’s a pat on the back for good work. Lastly, be mindful that the great mover & shaker of the heavens Mercury, governor of all types of communications, travels and thoughts, is starting a retrograde from the 21st to the 15th of May. Leave major decisions till after this time and double check you communications, as this is a time that mistakes can be made. All that’s needed is a little care so as to avoid issues. Have great April Leo!
Dear Virgo welcome to your April Horoscope! The month starts with a possible step away from the intrusive outside world towards some privacy. Some of you may be spending time with lovers or partners. Other are delving into deeper parts of themselves., maybe managing secrets or lies. Another outcome of this house is dealing with shared or joint financial matters, analysing or tweaking them in some way. The Sun moves on from the 20th and you could be looking at ditching the boring or mundane parts of life in exchange for a route that’s more exciting & uplifting. Some of you could make a way forward into spiritual matters or brave into some kind of journey that’s a little unknown to you. This may be a little nerve racking but exciting for you. Lastly, your ruling planet, Mercury the planet of communications, travel and the logical mind is retrograding from the 21st. Its effects will impact you more so, as he‘s your ruler. Be careful with all your different types of communications and be aware to prevent your thoughts spiralling in the wrong direction. Delay all major new starts and decisions until he’s direct after May 15th as mistakes can be easily made. Have a great April Virgo!
Dear Libra welcome to your April Horoscope! What do you want from your closest relationships? Is it commitment, walking away or just friends? This is all through the almighty Sun travelling through your relationships and contracts zone. Other Librans may experience the energies of this house through having to deal with signing some kind of new contract or renegotiating on an existing one. The Sun moves forward on the 20th and you could be drawn to take some time away from the glare of people eyes and shut the door in need of some privacy. Some of you maybe enticed into sexual connections as others are faced with joint finances or investments. Lastly, keep in mind that the planet of communications, focused thoughts and bright ideas, Mercury, starts a retrograde from the 21st. Care must be take with all types of communications try to put off and delay life changing decisions. This is because retrogrades can cause us to make mistakes, where major decisions previously made may be pointless as the situation then changes when Mercury goes forward. Have wonderful April Libra!
Dear Scorpio welcome to your April Horoscope! Work, work and work is the theme at the start of the month. Work colleagues, daily routines, regular activities, health and wellbeing are other areas of this house . The Sun shines a light on something with in one of more of these areas. For example; you may indulge a new fitness regime to feel good about yourself or maybe you could be looking for a new job. The Sun moves on from the 20th and your most important relationships then come to the fore. You may be faced with looking at commitments or letting go of any stragglers. The other manifestation of this house is dealing with contracts of some kind personal to you. You could entering in a new one or renegotiating a previous one. Lastly, be mindful that the planet of all types of communications, travels and great ideas, starts a retrograde on the 21st. This marks time to double check all forms of messages, delay starting anything brand new and watch out for the spiralling negatively. This retrograde can cause us to make mistakes that could be avoided by just delaying major decisions. Have a wonderful April Scorpio!
Dear Sagittarius welcome to your April Horoscope! Get out, have fun, let your hair down and ditch your responsibilities. This is the energies of the start of the month as the almighty Sun travels through your zones of enjoyment. You could be invited out with friends, drawn towards indulging in fun & frolics in the bedroom or simply go out to enjoy something social. The Sun moves on from the 21st taking you away from letting your hair down, to more serious areas or daily work, routines and your best wellbeing. You may need to change or tweak your work areas, deal with colleagues or re-set your day-to-day routines with new ways forward. Other Saggies may be looking to uplift their wellbeing or their fitness in some way. Lastly but importantly the planet of communications, travel and a focused mind, Mercury starts a retrograde on the 21st. This is a time to double check all your out messages before sending them, watch what you’re saying and delay major changes. That’s because during this retrograde mistakes are easily made unless care is taken. Decisions made during this time lack success as the situation changes once Mercury is direct. So the answer is, hold off, till its moving forward. Have a great April Sagittarius.
Dear Capricorn welcome to your April Horoscope! Get a cuppa, put your feet up, switch on the telly and relax. Many of you will feel the ease of this, as the almighty Sun travels through areas of the home, family and feelings of security. You could be drawn to make changes to your home décor, move home completely or simply spend time with family. Having recharged your energies through being at home in this period of nesting the opposite flows in when the Sun moves forward on the 21st . From then you could be enticed to be more social. There could be invitations to have fun, party, flirt or just let your hair down in some way. Lastly, be mindful that the planet of all types of communications, travels and great ideas, Mercury starts a retrograde on the 21st. This marks time to double check all forms of messages, delay starting anything brand new and watch out for the mind spiralling negatively. This retrograde can cause us to make mistakes that could be avoided by just delaying major decisions. Have a wonderful April Capricorn!
Dear Aquarius welcome to your April Horoscope! The to-do list is building, the admin of life needs organising and the essential errands need completing. This is the vibration of the start of the month as the Sun travels through this house. Some Caps may be making many little journeys to up loose ends and having pleasant light-hearted chats along the way. Then after getting life, house, home or business in order, your mind could turn towards feeding your creature comforts as the Sun moves in to the next house on the 21st. You could be cooking, cleaning, spending time with family or simply putting your feet up to enjoy your home. Others may feel a need to totally change their surroundings and could decide they want a new home to live in. This may be a little nerve racking but exciting for you. Lastly, the planet of communications, travel and the logical mind, Mercury, is retrograding from the 21st. This is a time to be careful with all your different types of communications and prevent your thoughts spiralling in the wrong direction. Delay all major new starts and decisions until he’s direct after May 15th as mistakes can be easily made. Have a great April Aquarius!
Dear Pisces welcome to your April Horoscope! How’s your money and financial areas looking like? The almighty Sun is giving these sectors a shake up as it travels through these zones. Some of you could be analysing where your money comes from, where its goes, what’s it spent on or how you can attract more. Other fishes could simply become more frugal and save more of their hard earned pennies. After tidying up your money areas you are then enticed to tidy up life in general by ticking off the to-do list and seeing that the admin of life is squared up. This is from the 21stth as the Sun moves on the into this sector. Others of you may need to make a few short journeys to help with ticking off to-do list. During this period of running errands and travels, you could be enjoying happy chats with all those you meet. Lastly, be mindful that the planet of all types of communications, travels and great ideas Mercury starts a retrograde on the 21st. This marks time to double check all forms of messages, delay starting anything brand new and watch the mind from spiralling negatively. This retrograde can cause us to make mistakes that could be avoided by just delaying major decisions. Have a wonderful April Pisces!
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