Dear friends,
Hello to November! The month of the Fixed Water sign of Scorpio. So the Sun travels through the constellation of Scorpio, so we’re all showered with this energy, such as handling our emotions, feeling our gut instincts, being stubborn or dealing with secrets. However, do ensure you read your horoscope below for more on this.
Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn now fully direct this month bringing forward movement, expansion, clearing up confusion and misunderstandings. But some planets remain in retrograde such as the psychic Enhancer & Illusion Creator, Neptune, ruler of Pisces, also travelling through Pisces stays in retrograde till December. Deep dark Pluto, ruler of Scorpio, travelling through Capricorn, also stays in reverse for months ahead. Particularly if you are the sign that the retrograding-planet rules, the big decisions you make and act on during major retrogrades can become pointless and/or, bear very little, or no fruit. Often, by the time the planet go forward, you’ll be forced to re-think your initial plans & decisions, possibly making the initial decisions and actions all a waste of time. But life has to go on and ofcourse sometimes we’re forced to make important decisions that can’t wait. If so, take your time, engage some forethought, maybe get the right guidance and then make up your mind.
We have a Scorpio New Moon on the 4th and the November Full Moon has an extra punch as it’s a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Taurus on the 19th.
Make sure you check out my short November 2021 Astro-Update Video on YouTube here >
If you want to grab some guidance in a private one-to-one session please refer to my website by going to – ‘booking a reading’ here> Readings – Sky Silverstone
If there are any questions on how to book or anything else, please get in touch with my admin team by emailing us at > [email protected].
Or another way to have a chat with me is the catch me on the show. Should you want to get in touch with me, I’ll be on the show 3pm to 10pm on these dates in November:- Fri 5th / Thursday 11th / Sat 13th / Fri 19th / Wed 24th and Fri 26th.
Enjoy your horoscopes below. If celebrating enjoy Diwali and Guy Fawkes and have an awesome month of November!
Sky x
Dear Aries welcome to your November! The month starts with both the almighty Sun and your ruler fiery Mars, travelling through your house of intimacy, sexuality, privacy and shared money. Mars brings you passion, perhaps a spark towards your intimate matters, or could cause you to take action towards a shared financial situation. The Sun shines its spotlight making sure that something from this sector is brought to your attention. Mars continues to pour its fuel on the fire but the Sun moves out on the 22nd going on to push you to address your spiritual life or to draw you towards taking some kind of physical or mental journey. Meanwhile, the mastermind and creative communicator Mercury, brings a shake-up to your relationships & commitments zone till the 5th and then moves on to join the Sun and Mars in your intimacy sector as mentioned above. Enjoy and stay safe if you’re taking part in Diwali on the 4th or Guy Fawkes on the 5th. With that, I wish you a positive firecracker month of November!
Dear Taurus welcome to your November! The month starts with both the almighty Sun and fiery Mars, highlighting and enhancing your attention to relationships, commitments, marriage, partnerships, new or existing contracts. Mars fires up your passion and/or your need to take action in these sectors, whilst the Sun highlights aspects for your attention. Mars remains here all month motivating you to deal with to motivate these areas all month but the Sun moves out on the 22nd into your zones of intimacy, sex, privacy and shared finances. Meanwhile, the master-mind and creative communicator Mercury could create a shake-up in your daily work and your everyday activities. He remains here till the 5th, then he moves on to join the Sun and Mars in your relationships sector as mentioned above. Big news, as the Full Moon occurs alongside a Lunar Eclipse on the 19th in your sign bringing transformations and changes to your work areas in the months to come. Enjoy and stay safe if you’re taking part in Diwali on the 4th or Guy Fawkes on the 5th. Wishing you an awesome November!
Dear Gemini welcome to your November! The month starts with both the almighty Sun and fiery Mars, travelling through areas of your daily work, co-workers, everyday activities, health, fitness & wellbeing. Mars enlivens you to go-get or take action towards something within these areas, such as getting you fired up about a new exercise regime. All the while the Sun shines its spotlight drawing your attention to what’s important in these zones. Mars remains in this sector all month continuing to pour fuel on the fire of your daily life but the Sun moves out on the 22nd into your relationships, commitments, contracts and/or marriage zone. Meanwhile, your ruler, mastermind and creative communicator Mercury, sharpens your ‘gift of the gab’ for flirtation, romance, lovers, having fun and frolics till the 5th. Mercury then moves on to join the Sun and Mars in your daily activities zone as mentioned above. Enjoy and stay safe if you’re taking part in Diwali on the 4th or Guy Fawkes on the 5th. With that, I wish you a positive firecracker month of November!
Dear Cancer welcome to your November! The month starts with both the almighty Sun and fiery Mars, highlighting and enhancing your attention towards flirtations, lovers, romance and generally having more fun. Mars fires up your passion and/or your need to take action in these sectors, whilst the Sun highlights areas for your focus. Mars is firing up this area all month but the Sun moves out on the 22nd to shine its spotlight on your daily activities, everyday work, health and fitness areas. Meanwhile, master-mind and creative communicator Mercury could bring on a shake-up to your home and family-related zones till the 5th, then he moves on to join the Sun and Mars in your fun & flirtations zone as mentioned above. Important to note is that your ruler the Moon, brings you extra va va voom on the 19th due to the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse which packs a much greater punch than just a normal Full Moon. Enjoy and stay safe if you’re taking part in Diwali on the 4th or Guy Fawkes on the 5th. Wishing you an awesome November!
Dear Leo welcome to your November! The month starts with a spotlight from both your ruler the Sun and fiery Mars, delivering their power to matters relating to your home, family or that which form the roots of your life. Mars enlivens you to take action towards something within these areas, while the Sun highlights something important for your attention. Mars remains here all month and so continues to pour his fuel on the fire of this sector but the Sun moves out on the 22nd. The Sun moves forward to uplift areas of fun, flirtations and frolics. Meanwhile, the mastermind and creative communicator Mercury sharpens your ‘gift of the gab’ to engage in quick fun chats and short flying journeys till the 5th. Then he goes on to join the Sun and Mars in the sector of your home & family as mentioned above. Enjoy and stay safe if you’re taking part in Diwali on the 4th or Guy Fawkes on the 5th. With that, I wish you a positive firecracker month of November!
Dear Virgo welcome to your November! The month starts with both the almighty Sun and go-get Mars, powering up your need to chit chat, getting you moving with short flying trips, seeing to the to-do list and generally seeing to the admin of life. Mars fires up your need to take action as the Sun shines a spotlight on what needs action. Mars remains here all month continuing to pour his fuel on the fire enlivening these sectors but the Sun moves out on the 22nd going on to shine its spotlight on matters of your home and family. Meanwhile, master-mind and creative communicator Mercury your ruler could bring you a shake-up to your money and incomes zones till the 5th. Then Mercury joins up with the Sun and Mars in areas of quick-chats and flying trips as mentioned above. Major players Jupiter and Saturn now moving forward after months in retrograde start to transform your everyday work, daily routines, health and fitness sectors in some way. Enjoy and stay safe if you’re taking part in Diwali on the 4th or Guy Fawkes on the 5th. Wishing you an awesome November!
Dear Libra welcome to your November! The month starts with a spotlight from both the almighty Sun as well as fiery Mars, delivering their power to matters relating to your money, incomes and finance-related sectors. Mars enlivens you to take action towards something within these areas, while the Sun highlights what’s important for your focus. Mars continues to pour his fuel on the fire on this sector all month, but the Sun moves out on the 22nd. Then the Sun moves forward and encourages you to tame the stray areas of the administration of your life such as ticking off the to-do list or clearing up the overdue errands and chores. Meanwhile, the mastermind and creative communicator Mercury sharpens your ‘gift of the gab’ as well as your image and presentation as he travels through your sign till the 5th. He then moves on to join the Sun and Mars in your money sectors as mentioned above. Big players Jupiter and Saturn after months of retrograde are direct this month and start once again to transform your romance, fun and flirtation zones. Enjoy and stay safe if you’re taking part in Diwali on the 4th, or Guy Fawkes on the 5th. With that, I wish you a positive firecracker month of November!
Dear Scorpio welcome to your of November! This is because the bright light of the Sun is on you as it’s in your sign. However, the Sun’s energies are amplified more so, as mighty Mars is also in your sign. Both spheres add a shine to your impact on the world your image and your personality. Mars fires up your need to take action, as the Sun shines a spotlight on what actually needs your focus. Mars in your sign all month will continue to pour his fuel on the fire enlivening your world but the Sun moves out on the 22nd going on to shine a spotlight on your money and financial matters. Meanwhile, till the 5th the master-mind and creative communicator Mercury could bring out a need for you to talk about what was previously hidden in your life, such as secrets, lies or the unknown. From the 5th Mercury joins you as he’s in your sign along with the Sun and Mars as mentioned above. Enjoy and stay safe if you’re taking part in Diwali on the 4th and Guy Fawkes on the 5th. Wishing you an awesome November!
Dear Sagittarius welcome to your November! The month starts with both the light of the Sun and fiery Mars exposing that which may have been hidden. This could bring out or reveal the hidden such as secrets & lies from yourself or people around you. Alternatively, other Saggies may want to retreat or seek solitude in some way. Mars fires you up with a need to take action, as the Sun shines the spotlight on what needs your attention in these areas. Mars continues to pour his fuel on the fire enlivening these sectors even more but the Sun moves out on the 22nd going on to shine a huge spotlight on enhancing the impact you have on the world, as it moves into your sign. Great news for you, as your ruler Jupiter, the great expander of success, is now direct after months of retrograde. This is the same as Saturn as both spheres can now transform areas of your connections for quick chit chats, flying trips, studies and learning. Meanwhile, the master-mind and creative communicator Mercury your ruler, could bring you a shake-up to your money and income zones till the 5th, then moving on to join with the Sun and Mars in areas of quick-chats and flying trips as mentioned above. Enjoy and stay safe if you’re taking part in Diwali on the 4th or Guy Fawkes on the 5th. Wishing you an awesome November!
Dear Capricorn welcome to your November! The month starts with both the almighty Sun and go-get Mars powering up your zone of friendships, social acceptance, collective efforts and charitable endeavours. Mars fires up your need to take action as the Sun shines a spotlight on what needs your attention. Mars continues to pour his fuel on the fire enlivening these sectors all month but the Sun moves out on the 22nd, going on to shine a light on what’s hidden, secrets or lies of your life, or those around you. Great news as your ruler Saturn, after months of retrograde, is now direct, as is Jupiter the great expander of success. So both are now able to work their magic to their full extent to expand and solidify your money and income sectors, attracting financial success in some way. Meanwhile, the master-mind and creative communicator Mercury, could bring you a shake-up to your money and incomes zones till the 5th, then joins up with the Sun and Mars as mentioned above in areas of friendships and collective efforts. Enjoy and stay safe if you’re taking part in Diwali on the 4th or Guy Fawkes on the 5th. Wishing you an awesome November!
Dear Capricorns welcome to your November! The month starts off with the joint energies of the almighty Sun and mighty Mars powering up areas of your career efforts, ambitions and promoting a good reputation. Mars fires up your need to take action towards a goal, as the Sun shines a spotlight on what needs your attention. Mars continues to pour his fuel on the fire enlivening these sectors but the Sun moves out on the 22nd going on to shine its spotlight on your friendships, associations and collective efforts. Great news as Jupiter and Saturn both travelling through your sign, are now direct after months of retrograde. This now allows their positive expansion and success energies into your world. You will probably find that life becomes a little calmer and uplifted. Enjoy and stay safe if you’re taking part in Diwali on the 4th or Guy Fawkes on the 5th. Wishing you an awesome November!
Dear Pisces welcome to your November! The month starts with both the almighty Sun and go-get Mars powering up your zones of new learning, journeys (physical or mental) your spiritual world and firing up a need for changes to the hum-drum of life. Mars adds to your need to take action, as the Sun shines a spotlight on what needs your focus. Mars continues to pour his fuel on the fire enlivening these sectors but the Sun moves out on the 22nd going on to uplift and bring success to areas of ambitions, goals and promotion of your good reputation. Great news as the big players Saturn and Jupiter, after months of retrograde, are now direct in your 12th house. This now uplifts energies and clears away lower moods, misunderstandings, confusion of the mind and general unrest as life becomes all peaceful and harmonious. Enjoy and stay safe if you’re taking part in Diwali on the 4th or Guy Fawkes on the 5th. Wishing you an awesome November!
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