Dear friends,
Hello and welcome to your March 2022 Horoscopes. This the month of the last sign of the zodiac, the Mutable Water Sign of Pisces The Fish. A sign that’s ruled by Neptune, a planet that’s featuring strongly this month and next month also. So Neptune, Jupiter and the almighty Sun are in powerful alignments called conjunctions, creating the start of life changes. Mars and Venus are also in bed together creating an intense positive energy bring massive changes for relationships, friendships, favour, personal power and taking action.
Then later in the month, Mercury planet of clever communication & creative ideas joins that party and creates a powerhouse that adds in leading us to the start of major change in our lives.
There’s more in my video on You Tube so make sure you check it out my March 2022 Astro-Update Video where I’ve referred to these conjunctions. Check it out on YouTube here >
If you want to grab some guidance for you personally, why not book a private one-to-one session by referring to my website to book in with me – here:
If there are any questions on how to book or anything else, please get in touch with my admin team by emailing us at > [email protected]
Or another way to have a chat with me is to catch me on the Psychic Today Show. And in March, I’ll be on the show 3pm to 10pm on these dates – Monday 14th / Saturday 19th / Tuesday 22nd / Monday 28th
Enjoy your horoscopes below.
Wishing you a prosperous, healthy and successful month of March 2022.
Sky x
Dear Aries welcome to your March horoscope! The month starts with a dynamic trio of the almighty Sun, with Jupiter & Neptune in a part of your chart that encourages you to seek some answers to the hidden parts of life. Otherwise you may experience your most inner thoughts, some which could be initially hidden, rising to the surface. Mercury the mighty mover & shaker of the mind and clever communicator, also moves in on the 10th, making it 4 planets pushing you to throw yourself into these mentioned areas in some way. You may step away from the busy world to gain some perspective through solitude. However, from the 20th the effect is the opposite of solitude because the Sun moves into your own sign. This brings you out of hiding as it shines a light on your presence, personality and your impact on the world. Meanwhile masculine Mars is in perfect harmony with his perfect partner Venus, the Goddess of Love & Money as both work hard to get you paid with dividends for your career and your goals. Venus moves onwards from the 5th and Mars chases hot on her tail on the 6th, as both go to work their magic on your friendships and associations. Whether it’s colleagues or friends, there’s added success in working with, or collaborating with others rather than ‘going it alone.’ Have a great March Aries!
Dear Taurus welcome to your March horoscope! The month starts with the triple power of the almighty Sun, mighty Jupiter & Neptune working their magic for you in firing up friendships, associations and group efforts. This could entice you to make swift alliances with others in order to ease the flow of better outcomes, as opposed to working alone. Friendships could be created and become favourable at this time. Mercury the mighty mover & shaker of the mind and clever communications also moves in on the 10th joining this merry trio in making it 4 planets in this zone. This powerhouse will throw you into these mentioned areas in some way. Your desire will be uplifted to get involved with people and fire up your clever mind in chit-chat. However, from the 20th the opposite effect may be felt as the Sun moves out and onto an area of your chart that encourages you to seek peace, quiet and solitude. Your time of withdrawal pushes you possibly analyse your thoughts or the hidden parts of your mind and your life. Meanwhile, masculine Mars is in perfect harmony with his perfect partner who’s also your ruler Venus, the Goddess of Love & Money, as both start the month by enticing you to consider making some changes to the scenery of your life. Or they encourage you to take a journey albeit physical, mental or spiritual. Venus moves onwards from the 5th and Mars follows suit on the 6th, as both go on to work wonders for your popularity and uplift your reputation for your career, goals and ambitions. There could be doors opening as these 2 planets spark some kind of success for your career or opportunities arise that could allow your ambitions to manifest. Have a great March Taurus!
Dear Gemini welcome to your March horoscope! There’s a powerful start to the month through a dynamic trio of the almighty Sun, Jupiter & Neptune in alliance, firing up your ambitions, good reputation and career sectors. Something awesome could pop out of the woodwork to uplift your good name and lift your reputation. If you’ve been working towards an upgrade in career, fame & name, then look for your breakthrough. So I say Gems, go for it! Your ruler Mercury the mighty mover & shaker of the mind and of clever communications, joins the party on the 10th making it 4 planets in this area. This creates a powerhouse of energy that feeds your career and reputation success. From the 20th the Sun moves out and onward into an area of your chart that turns your mind towards friends, associates and allying resources with the others. This transit allows better outcomes from a group effort as opposed to ‘going it alone.’ Meanwhile, masculine Mars is in perfect harmony with his perfect partner Venus the Goddess of Love & Money. Both start the month enticing you to look at your innermost intimate nature and closest relationships. Venus moves on from the 5th and on the 6th Mars chases hot on her tail, as both go on to work their magic in pushing you to take a journey, which could be mental, spiritual or physical. This transit can also open doors for travel or bring changes of scenery, as these 2 planets spark success in these areas for you. Have a great March Gemini!
Dear Cancer welcome to your March horoscope! The month starts with the dynamic trio of the almighty Sun, Jupiter & Neptune in a part of your chart that encourages you to explore making a journey of some nature, whether it’s physical, spiritual or in your mind. This usually takes you towards enlightenment or higher knowledge in some way. This is also a transit that could open some pathway of new learning or research. This energy is revved up more so as Mercury, the mighty mover & shaker of the mind and clever communications, also moves in on the 10th. This makes it a formidable powerhouse of 4 planets pushing you to throw yourself into stepping away from the hum-drum of life, take a alternative path in life or start to learn something new. Then from the 20th Sun moves onwards to shine its spotlight for you to attract success in areas of career, good reputation and achievement of personal goals. This makes it a great time to reach for your ambitions no matter how small they may be. Meanwhile, masculine Mars is in perfect harmony with his perfect partner Venus, the Goddess of Love & Money. Both are in the most auspicious and ideal areas as they both start your month by adding some ‘va va voom’ to your relationships sector. Venus moves on from the 5th and Mars follows in pursuit on the 6th as both go on to work their magic towards your most intimate inner nature or you may be dealing with the private matters of your closest relationships. Both planets blend their energies bringing you positive but amazing outcomes. Have a great March Cancer!
Dear Leo welcome to your March horoscope! The month starts with an alliance of a trio, the almighty Sun, Jupiter & Neptune. All 3 are schmoozing through a part of your chart that encourages you to seek some answers to the hidden parts of life, or possibly you could deal with your most private inner thoughts. On the 10th Mercury the mighty mover & shaker of the mind and clever communications also moves in here making it a powerhouse of 4 planets. This will push you to steer away from any prying eyes, to seek privacy or remain behind closed doors. You may step away from the busy world to gain some perspective through privacy and intimate matters. However, from the 20th the Sun shines its spotlight on you to take time away on the hum-drum of daily life enticing you out of hiding to enjoy a journey whether of the mind, physically or a spiritual one. Masculine Mars is in perfect harmony with his perfect partner Venus, Goddess of Love & Money, as both work their magic in paying you dividends toward your daily work, everyday routine and your health. Venus moves out on the 5th and Mars follows suit hot on her tail on the 6th, as both go on to create awesome outcomes for your relationships, commitments and business-contracts zone. With these 2 planets collaborating there are awesome outcomes for these areas. Have a great March Leo!
Dear Virgo welcome to your March horoscope! The month starts with dynamic energies coming from a trio of the almighty Sun, Jupiter & Neptune firing up your relationships and commitments sector. You could be tantalized to look for deeper bonds within your closest connections. Some may be drawn to more serious relationships, as opposed to surface-level associations. Your ruler Mercury, the mighty mover & shaker of the mind and clever communications, also moves in on the10th making it 4 planets in this sector. This creates a powerhouse of planetary power all pushing you to throw yourself into relationships, contracts of some nature, or deal with their meaning and importance in your life. From the 20th the Sun moves on to shine a spotlight on your privacy and deeper intimacies leading you to step away from the outside world. Meanwhile, masculine Mars is in beautiful harmony with his perfect partner Venus, the Goddess of Love & Money as both are in an ideal area for their energies, that being romance, fun, enjoyment and love affairs. Venus moves out on the 5th and Mars chases her on the 6th as both go on to uplift areas of your daily work, everyday routines, health, fitness and wellbeing. The schmoozing of these 2 planets brings success to working with ease, drawing you favour, increasing your personal power and opening doors in some way. Have a great March Virgo!
Dear Libra welcome to your March horoscope! The month starts with the collaboration of the almighty Sun, Jupiter & Neptune as all three are allied in bringing you success & upliftment to your daily work, everyday routines, health and wellbeing sectors. This takes your attention towards needing a change, to add or transform something in these sectors. Then the party hots up as Mercury the mighty mover & shaker of the mind and clever communications, also moves in on the 10th making it 4 planets in this sector. This is a powerhouse of planetary power all pushing you to create breakthroughs, clear away stagnancy and attract opportunities for your work areas. Alternatively, other Librans may feel this effect by being encouraged to change their job for the better. Meanwhile, masculine Mars is in beautiful harmony with his perfect partner, your ruler Venus, the Goddess of Love & Money as both are united in uplifting the sectors of your home, family and that which creates security for your life. Venus moves out on the 5th and Mars follows her on the 6th as both unite again in their perfect of home of lighting up your connections to romance, lovers, fun, frolics and socialising. It’s time to have some fun and enjoy life. Have a great March Libra!
Dear Scorpio welcome to your March horoscope! The month starts with the dynamic trio of the almighty Sun, Jupiter & Neptune lighting up your life in areas romance, lovers, fun, frolics and generally having some fun. Or you may find opportunities to walk on the lighter, more pleasing side of life. Then the party is ramped up as Mercury the mighty mover & shaker of the mind and clever communications also joins the party on the 10th. This makes it a mighty 4 planets creating a powerhouse of planetary energies pushing you to throw yourself into something that takes you away from the seriousness of life, but instead toward something more enjoyable and light. From the 20th the Sun moves on, going on to shine a spotlight on your daily work, everyday routines, health & wellbeing. In the meantime, masculine Mars is in perfect harmony with his perfect partner Venus, the Goddess of Love & Money. Both planets go to work in firing up your effective communications, being heard, sought after, taking quick journeys or possibly learning something new along the way. Venus moves out and onwards the 5th and Mars chases her on the 6th as both planets entice you to draw you toward the creature comforts of life with your home and with family. Have a great March Scorpios!
Dear Sagittarius welcome to your March horoscope! The start of the month is lit up by the dynamic trio of the almighty Sun, mighty Jupiter & Neptune attracting you toward your house, home, family or in enhancing the security of your life. You’re drawn to spending time with what feels safe & secure for you. The party is ramped up to overflowing as Mercury the mighty mover & shaker of the mind and clever communications also joins this party on the 10th making it 4 planets in one sector. This creates a powerhouse of planetary power that will be impossible to avoid, as you get drawn to either being at home, making changes to the home or spending time with loved ones. The Sun moves out the 20th going on to shine a spotlight on romance, fun and enjoying life. Meanwhile, masculine Mars is in beautiful harmony with his perfect partner Venus, the Goddess of Love & Money as both are paying you dividends in enhancing your money and wealth zones. Then Venus moves out the 5th and Mars chases hot on her tail on the 6th as they both go to work to uplift your positive communications allowing you be heard by those who could support you. Other outcomes could be that you’re urged to clear the admin of life and tick off ‘to do’ list. Have a great March Sagittarius!
Dear Capricorn welcome to your March horoscope! The months starts with the joint harmony of a trio of planets, the almighty Sun, Jupiter & Neptune pushing you to get on with the uncleared or outstanding ‘odds & ends’ of your life. You could be going on short flying trips to make life more efficient. On the 10th Mercury, the mighty mover & shaker of the mind and clever communications also joins this party making it 4 planets all partying in one sector. This creates a powerhouse of planetary power that will be impossible to avoid as you get drawn into either pleasant chit chats with the neighbours, or to take quick journeys as you tidy up loose ends of life. The Sun moves out on the 10th going on to draw you into your home and toward family in some way. Meanwhile, masculine Mars is in awesome harmony with his perfect partner Venus, the Goddess of Love & Money as both are working their magic in your sign. You could be looking to enhance your image, tweak your personality and the lift the impact you have on the world. Venus moves out on the 5th and Mars swiftly follows on the 6th as they both collaborate their efforts in enhancing your money, incomes and wealth. Venus brings you attention and favour, whilst Mars inflates your personal power. This is a great combo to gain increases in your personal financial situation. Have a great March Capricorns!
Dear Aquarians welcome to your March horoscope! The start of the month has a trio of planets, the almighty Sun, Jupiter and Neptune allied in enhancing your magnetism for money, incomes and the uplifting the financial sectors of life. That energy is ramped up from the 10th as Mercury the mighty mover & shaker of the mind and clever communications also joins the party, making it 4 planets all feeding you money zones. This creates a powerhouse of energy that will be impossible to avoid, as you could see increases in your money sectors in some way. This would be an ideal time to see returns for your money, to invest, ask for a pay rise or attempt to create pay-offs from your finances. The Suns moves out on the 10th leading you to tidy up the admin of life and tie up the loose ends. Meanwhile, Mars is in exciting harmony with his perfect partner Venus, the Goddess of Love & Money, as both are in your sign from the 6th enhancing your image, personality and the impact you have on the world. Venus brings you attention and favour, whilst Mars inflates your personal power. This is a great combo to increase your magnetism enhancing the impression you make. Have a great March Capricorns!
Dear Pisces welcome to your March horoscope! It’s your power month little Fishes as the month starts with immediate renewal as the New Moon is in your sign on the 2nd. And it gets even better, as there’s a trio of planets in your sign, the almighty Sun, mighty Jupiter & Neptune. Because of this, your presence to the outside world is heightened and stands out bright and beautiful. From the 10th the party is ramped up, as Mercury the mighty mover & shaker of the mind and clever communications, joins your sign as well. This makes it 4 planets in your sign creating a powerhouse of planetary energy that’s feeding your confidence, determination and uplifting your influence on others. From the 20th the Sun moves out, going on to enhance incomes and your financial world in some way. Meanwhile, masculine Mars is in perfect harmony with Venus, the Goddess of Love & Money as both start the month enticing you to look at the friendships, associations and joining efforts with others. Then Venus moves on from the 5th and Mars follows hot on her tail, as both work their magic in opening up secrets, lies or revealing something that was previously hidden in your life. It’s a great March for you Pisces!
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