Hey wonderful people, here’s what’s happening for you in festive December. We have a Full Moon together with a Lunar eclipse in Gemini on the 24th, this will heighten emotions, communications, psychic energy and creativity.
On the 24th, is a time to declare to the universe what you need for your highest good, as we have fresh new beginnings with the New Moon in Capricorn.
Overall psychic enhancement as well as positive changes are afoot dear people. Please give thought to your agendas for 2012 and go with the flow everyone.
A heartfelt Merry Christmas to you all, enjoy the festivities, as well as spending time with family and friends. May your wishes be granted for a wonderful happy New Year and prosperous 2012.
Love, light and blessings to all.
Dear Aries you could be feeling as if there’s delays in moving forward in the beginning of December. However from the 11th onward the energy shifts, as the feeling of being held back dissipates. Life then may well become a little more chaotic but a balance comes in for you. Hold off on major decisions until mid month or at least till after you have given due thought to your plans so as to avoid re-negotiation or mis-interpretation of information. From about the 14th onward, see’s you flowing forward on all fronts as well as enjoying energy of friends, loved ones and the festivities. With the new moon on the 24th there’s a perfect energy of fresh new beginnings and a time to put your intentions and wishes out to the universe for the 2012!
Family life, home, romance and travel are in the spotlight in December, even if you’re projecting ahead for these areas for 2012. Attached Taureans are stimulated and challenged by their love life, and singletons yearn to be more settled. You may well be feeling as if you want to break routines, build new ones due to pangs of impulsiveness setting in occasionally. Also you may well be looking at managing finances more economically, or looking at where and how your money is better earned. With the new moon on the 24th there’s a perfect energy of fresh new beginnings and a time to put your intentions and wishes out to the universe for the 2012!
The beginning of the month brings in heightened emotions from relationships, love, the past, and relationships becoming complicated or confusing. Dear Gemini with your ruling planet Mercury in retrograde, it will be easy for you to go through a ‘weird’ time where you can’t see ‘the wood for the trees’. Watch for being impatient, as well as miscommunication and general confusion. However this energy dissipates by mid-month and you gain clarity. From then on, it’s a good time to deal with long-standing problems, taking action to fix them as well as love being intimate and passionate. With the new moon on the 24th there’s a perfect energy of fresh new beginnings and a time to put your intentions and wishes out to the universe for the 2012!
December shows to be an especially busy month around work and you need to be setting the agenda in a well organised way, so as to avoid confusion and delays caused by the Mercury retrograde. During this time keep personal matters in all areas private, as your multiplying success over the months to come, may create an air of jealousy from others. And in that vein, as you are naturally very magnetic to people, as well as romantic relationships, choose wisely with whom you decide to circulate. Many issues balance out from mid month and energies harmonize. With the new moon on the 24th there’s a perfect energy of fresh new beginnings and a time to put your intentions and wishes out to the universe for the 2012!
Watch out for getting involved with drama’s, mainly other peoples dramas this month dear Leo! A great time to focus on work projects, and ambitions but hold back till after the 14th to then push forward on them. Partners or potential partners feel confusing up till mid month, from then on balance is slowly restored. You have an uplifting, fun filled December with a focus on your image to the world. A great time to think of a makeover, a new look or just pampering yourself. With the new moon on the 24th there’s a perfect energy of fresh new beginnings and a time to put your intentions and wishes out to the universe for the 2012!
Dear Virgo this is month where family, relationships, love and admirers come strongly into the mix. Attached Virgoans are happy with their lot, and singletons are turning on that magnetic charm attracting in suitors. However be aware that the first part to December may cause your energy to be a little indecisive or fidgety. Watch out for differences of opinions that may lead to disagreements or arguments. This energy dissipates as we pass through the 13th and 14th and from then on, you may well be confident to take emotional risks. You are happy to throw yourself into family activities in later December and with the new moon on the 24th there’s a perfect energy of fresh new beginnings and a time to put your intentions and wishes out to the universe for the 2012!
Dear Libra be extra careful with your communications on all levels as you may be un-knowingly mis-interpreted. Travel confusion can also arise in the early part of December dear Libra. Don’t focus on this but divert your energy to focus on strategising for the busy period coming up for you, and thus remember to take time-out to re-energize yourself through the month. The latter part of December may well make you feel in your element romantically, so go with the flow, look your stunning best and soak up the attention. You are happy to throw yourself into family activities in later December and with the new moon on the 24th there’s a perfect energy of fresh new beginnings and a time to put your intentions and wishes out to the universe for the 2012!
Dear Scorpio for the early part of December, there’s an indication for you to keep an eye on your finances, spending and generally keeping-to-budgets. Understandably it will be a challenge this month, but positive changes generally can be in-store after the 14th or so. Watch-out for your logical reasoning to become a little clouded, as this may lead to you being pulled into other people dramas and issues. That said, as the energy shifts from the 14th we have feeling of a better balance and up-beat emotions spurring you forward, along with a growing feeling of strength in partnerships and friendships. With the new moon on the 24th there’s a perfect energy of fresh new beginnings and a time to put your intentions and wishes out to the universe for the 2012!
This is great month for the independent, the single, or the attached Sag. You are magnetic this month so use this energy to achieve what you need. Avoid hasty decisions around the areas of work, travel, bosses, finances, material issues, and all levels of communication. If not carefully thought-out before acting, you may regret your choices, possibly having to re-negotiate it all. After the 14th is a better time, as projects, love and work regain momentum and money-making ideas are plentiful. In fact this is a good time for making decisions in many areas, and is brining in a great time to enjoy, laugh and have fun. With the new moon on the 24th there’s a perfect energy of fresh new beginnings and a time to put your intentions and wishes out to the universe for the 2012
A great month for love, romance, relationships and partnerships dear Capricorn as your charm is magnetically working for you. Just be a little cautious over communications in the early part of December, but from the 14th, energies on all fronts come into a positive balance. Work and career indicates going well for you, don’t lose momentum and thus take opportunities coming your way, as this plans for the year ahead. But Caps can often easily let it all become work work work, make sure your planning to enjoy with friends, family, festivities and the like as the energy brings an air of ‘expect the unexpected’. With the new moon on the 24th there’s a perfect energy of fresh new beginnings and a time to put your intentions and wishes out to the universe for the 2012.
Dear Aquarius although relationships, friendships and partnerships are well starred for December. Be a little vigilant of being mis-understood, through your methods of communication. Check travel plans, what you’re communicating in text or writing forms and be clear in all you say. The energy balances out after the 14th and sees you positively forging ahead on many fronts. An immensely happy and positive can be brought in by you over the festivities and sees you enjoying this period. Family ties are stronger and comfort levels run high. With the new moon on the 24th there’s a perfect energy of fresh new beginnings and a time to put your intentions and wishes out to the universe for the 2012.
Balancing areas of relationships, partnerships, family and work may well keep you pre-occupied and busy in the early part of December. You may well feel a little stressed as your pulled in different directions, so dear Pisces I ask you to be vigilant in your communications in all fronts, don’t act in haste to apologise later. From the 14th onwards we have swift clearing of the energy and this can see you working toward clearing work and domestic issues, so as to enjoy the festivities, family and friends. You are likely to end 2011 with a feeling of confidence in your career direction. With the new moon on the 24th there’s a perfect energy of fresh new beginnings and a time to put your intentions and wishes out to the universe for the 2012.
Happy December ! x
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